Thursday, November 21, 2013

FSX Detailed City Listing and Recommendations

It's harder than you might think to get a list of the "detailed cities" in FSX. The best explanation I found was by Phil Taylor at his blog.

I've used this list to help pick my destinations. But a few of them have been disappointing. Perhaps I didn't find the 2 custom items in Helsinki.... I'll provide the list here, along some very brief comments and my Go / No Go decision. Details are presented in the blog itself; finding the individual cities in the blog is left as an exercise for the reader!

According to Phil and his research, cities with more than one custom object are:

Latin America (3)
Mexico City        GO. Very large and spread out -- hard to know where to look!
Rio de Jeneiro     GO. Fabulous -- almost as good as really being there!
Sao Paulo           NO GO. Very boring, very generic.

Europe (30)
Amsterdam     NO GO. Disappointing; only a few custom objects, otherwise a very generic city.
Athens            GO. The Parthenon is great; the rest is pretty generic.
Barcelona       NO GO. Okay; a bit generic.
Berlin             GO. Quite nice; a variety of identifiable landmarks.
Brussels         GO. Don't miss the Atomium!
Copenhagen   GO. Very "real"; suburbs, then an increasingly dense city.
Dublin            NO GO. Lots of auto-gen, and a bloody big power plant.
Gibraltar         NO GO. Not bad, but doesn't really match the real terrain or city.
Glasgow         NO GO. Just awful -- auto-gen suburbs and a few high-rise apartments. Go in real life instead!
Helsinki          NO GO. Very disappointing. Looked generic to me.
Istanbul          GO. Very nice. Decidedly non-European (even though I guess it's technically Europe!).
Lake Geneva  NO GO. The lake and fountain are modeled well; Geneva itself, not so much.
Lisbon            NO GO. Very disappointing. Doesn't resemble the real Lisbon.
London           GO. Fabulous! Clearly one of the best cities, in real-life and in FSX.
Lyons, France NO GO. Acceptable, but not remarkable.
Madrid            NO GO. Acceptable, but not remarkable.
Malmo, Sweden    NO GO. Hard to tell. Definitely different from Copenhagan, but seems rather generic.
Milan, Italy      GO. Okay. Looks like a lot of other European cities, but has some nice custom objects.
Monte Carlo   NO GO. Eh. A few high-rise hotels, a nice marina and one very large mansion!
Moscow         GO. Excellent. Definitely identifiable as a Russian city.
Munich           NO GO. Very disappointing (then again, it was the end of a long, crummy day when I landed).   
Oslo               NO GO. Very generic.
Paris               GO. One of the best!
La Defense     GO. I've never heard of this suburb of Paris, but it's a nicely detailed business district.
Rome             GO. Pretty good, and the Colesseum is cool.
Rotterdam      GO. Very nicely detailed; better than Amsterdam.
Salzburg         GO. A definite don't miss -- the castle and churches at the center of town are excellent photo ops!
St. Petersburg  GO. Spectacular.
Stockholm       GO. Very realistic in appearance.
Trondheim       N/A -- didn't get to visit

US (9)
Atlanta            GO. Very nice skyline (although the big buildings are set on forested tiles!).
Chicago          GO. Almost as impressive as Manhattan, and not such a framerate killer. A must see.
Los Angeles    NO GO. Obscurred by smog, just like in real life.
Miami             GO. Big city; impressive port; MASSIVE airport.
New York       GO. You shouldn't even have to ask! It did bring my framerate to a crawl, though.
Salt Lake        N/A -- didn't get to visit. I've been several times in real life.
San Francisco GO! Absolutely fabulous!
Seattle            GO. Gorgeous downtown, and the Space Needle is cool. Try to visit at dusk.
Washington DC  GO. Very detailed, and correct (I used to live there).

Africa, Middle East (7)
Cairo            GO. Nicely rendered, and definitely not European. Go for the Pyramids!
Capetown     N/A -- didn't get to visit; just too far.
Dubai            GO. Nice skyline.
Jerusalem      GO. Seemed generic and modern, until I found Temple Mount!
Mecca          NO GO. Nice enough, but quite modern in appearance. Not what I expected.
Riyadh          NO GO. Very flat, very generic. A big disappointment.
Tel-Aviv        NO GO. It's fine, but the custom buildings are rather generic. Much like any other modern city.

Asia (16)
Beijing            NO GO. A huge disappointment. A very nice autogen, generic city, but virtually no recognizable Beijing landmarks.
Chiba            NO GO. A nice enough stadium, but after Tokyo, it's a let down.
Fukuoka        GO. Nicely modeled urban sprawl.
Hong Kong    GO! One of the very best -- large, detailed, realistic!
Incheon         NO GO. Unless you're passing by, this is just an airport.
Kobe            GO. Really nice; very hilly terrain and very well rendered city. Really seems real!
Kyoto           NO GO. Nice enough, but feels generic (auto-gen) rather than custom.
Nagoya        NO GO. Nothing really special to see; just the airport and what looks like a convention center.
Nara            GO. I found the scenery between Kobe and Nara wonderfully believable.
Saitama        Really just a suburb of Tokyo (which you should definitely go see!).
Sapporo       NO GO. Nice enough, but feels blocky and generic to me.
Seoul            GO. Even if it's mostly auto-gen, it's very well done.
Shanghai       GO. Nicely detailed downtown; lots of unique skyscrapers.
Singapore     GO. Nicely detailed downtown; lots of unique skyscrapers.
Taipei           GO. If you're going to do China (and you must), then you'll be close by. Go ahead and see Taipei.
Tokyo          GO. Spectacular!

Australia & NZ (7)
Auckland       GO! Very nice surrounding cities, and an interesting skyline/marina.
Brisbane        GO. Really good appearance; surrounding suburbs, and well-organized downtown.
Canberra       NO GO. Lots of generic suburbs, not many custom buildings. But, a Lake Geneva plume fountain!
Melbourne     GO. Excellent example of a large (sprawling!) city surrounded by suburbs.
Perth             GO. Nice skyline and marina. If you're in Western Australia, stop by!
Sydney          GO. Very nicely done, and the Opera House is such an internationally recognized landmark.
Wellington      GO. Gorgeous setting (it's worth it for that alone!).

Canada (5)
Calgary        GO. Maybe I just got lucky with the auto-gen, but Calgary looks very nice.
Edmonton    NO GO. Almost all generic auto-gen; one small cluster of high-rise buildings and a big church.
Montreal      GO. A very nice mix of building sizes and shapes, most unique. Nicely done.
Toronto        GO. Well done -- seems very believeable.
Vancouver    GO. Really beautiful in real life. Really beautiful in FSX.

Based on my experience with this tour, I would recommend adding:
New Zealand
Yosemite, with free add-on BlueSkyScenery scenery
Niagara Falls

Saturday, November 16, 2013

#99 Glasgow, #100 Dublin, then Home!

Start: EGPC, 0743; $9017.40 and 54gal

Well, this is a bittersweet day. I'm very excited, but a little sad. For today, I will see my last two destinations and then land at the airport I started from back in early July. Today, I will reach home!

But first, I've got 111kg of Priority Courier material that has to get to Glasgow. So, up up and away!

End: EGPF, 0933; $9948.90 and 40gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've got a little bit of time to wait until my passengers are ready, so the kind folks at the BAI Flight Group performed my 100-hour inspection. Everything's looking good -- after almost 800 hours, compression is still at 99% and the engine is clean. So, I'm ready to take my 3 Private Shuttle passengers on to St. Angelo in Enniskillen.

End: EGAB, 1139; $9227.36 and 35gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm within shouting distance of home now (well, there is the small matter of the Irish Sea, but you know what I mean). There are no FSE jobs going to Dublin or Leeds, so I'll finish out my journey in quiet introspection. Or maybe I'll whoop and holler the whole time. In any case, I'm off on my FINAL LEG!
Bradford-Leeds = Home (for now!)
End: EGNM, 1433; $9227.36 and 16gal

Total Distance Flown:  59,374 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $240,000 (and I ended up with just over $9,000 in cash)

#98 Iceland

Start: BIKF, 0831; $5153.90 and 45gal

That was one long marathon of flying yesterday. But I'm now so close to the end that I'm energized to keep going. I've also managed to find paying jobs all the way today, so I'm excited to get started. To begin, I've got 1 Midsommar Transatlantic passengers. I'm not going to take him across the Atlantic, though! But we will go to Vagar on the Faroe Islands. This is a bit nostalgic, because when I first brought this plane (as CHKN-HK) from Idaho to the UK, I came via Iceland, the Faroes and Scatsta.

As I take-off and fly over Iceland, I can appreciate the rugged scenery, but I decided that an extended stay is not in the cards for mid-November!
Appropriately-named Iceland
End: EKVG, 1339; $6045.24 and 40gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I now have 3 Scatsta passengers, going to (believe it or not) Scatsta!

End: EGPM, 1528; $8531.94 and 27gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For today's final leg, I'm taking 1 Air Photographer to Wick. Then, I'll have to arrange for another 100-hour inspection before I can bed down and prepare for tomorrow's flight to Glasgow.

End: EGPC, 1709; $9368.04 and 16gal

Total Distance Flown:  58,819 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $240,000

Thursday, November 14, 2013

East to Iceland

Start: CYMX, 0632; $5805.46 and 54gal

I need to go to Iceland. It's a long way, but thanks to the miracle of FSX, I'm going to go for it! It will be pushing the GlobeTrotter to her limits, but according to Plan-G and my own calculations, I should be able to pull it off. It's just over 2,000 miles, and will take 17 hours of flying. But I am determined.

In order to do this, I am selecting destinations as far apart as possible, in as straight a line as possible. If FSE can provide a job, great; but I'm doing this, all by myself if I have to. First stop, Goose Bay, 700 miles to the northeast.

Once I pass 5500 ft, I find things are going my way -- notably, the wind. I have a 45kt crosswind, but it's coming from behind and to my left, so it's helping me along my way. With 672 miles to go, my fuel gauge tells me I've got an expected range of 835 miles!

As I land, I still have 11 gallons of fuel left -- gotta love helpful tailwinds!

End: CYYR, 1243; $5647.36 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. My next destination is Narsarsuaq (say that three times fast!). Here at Goose Bay, there's an FSE job going there, too. But it's for 5 passengers -- too many for my little Cessna. So, as I take-off, I'll wave to them out the window!

It's only 4:30 in the afternoon, but this far north in November, it starts to get dark early!

End: BGBW, 1942; $5497.34 and 50gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

One more long leg, and I'm in Iceland! It's been a long day, but it's only 7:30, and I'm excited to be getting near my final target. So, I'm going to keep on going.

After an all-too-exciting beginning (the terrain rises VERY steeply), I'm at my cruising altitude of 8,500ft and expect a smooth (and very dark) flight to Iceland.

End: BIKF, 0331; $5497.34 and 4gal

Whew, that was one long day! I'm going to the closest bed I can find. Then, in the morning, I'll put the last two flag decals (Greenland and Iceland) on the side!

Total Distance Flown:  58,058 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $240,000

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

#95 Toronto #96 Niagara Falls #97 Montreal

Start: KFPK, 0654; $2207.87 and 27gal

Another day, another v$10,000 bank deposit! That was the easy part. Planning today's route, that was a little trickier. It was simple enough to find passengers coming to the oddly named Beach (it's in the middle of Michigan!), but I can't find anyone that wants to leave heading east. So, I'm off on my own for now to pick up a job at good ol' Romeo State.

End: D98, 0747; $2207.87 and 21gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I now have paying customers! 3 PCA-dPAX (not sure exactly what or how those are!) going to Goderich in Ontario.

End: CYGD, 0848; $4244.42 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Smooth sailing; uneventful flight -- pick your metaphor. I'm now in Ontario, and will be taking 2 Private Shuttle passengers to Toronto. Nice to see the winter textures in use.
Toronto in November
End: CYKZ, 1002; $4987.82 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I now have 1 Corporate VIP going to Massena, New York. We'll be going via Niagara Falls. I've been disappointed with waterfalls in FSX (so far, they simply don't exist). But I've got a good feeling about Niagara.
Niagara Falls
Niagara Falls with the Maid of the Mist
End: KMSS, 1350; $6138.92 and 26gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I was very surprised to not find a job going to Montreal, but there isn't. So, I'll finish the day as I started -- by myself!
End: CYMX, 1457; $6138.92 and 18gal

Total Distance Flown:  56,036 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $240,000

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

#94 Chicago

Start: KJKF, 0809; $8595.80 and 54gal

Yet another homecoming! I'm starting off this morning taking 2 Vacationers to Columbus, Ohio (I got my DVM and PhD from Ohio State).

End: KCMH, 1210; $9905.02 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Holy Toledo! I'm now carrying 1 Colorado Air passenger, 1 EliteAir passenger and 1 EliteAir code-share passenger, to Toledo.
The Ohio State University - Looks surprisingly industrial
End: KTOL, 1353; $12116.27 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm sure glad the Chicago scenery was worth it, because today's trip has taken me hundreds of miles in the wrong direction! I have 1 Private Shuttle passenger going to Charlotte, Michigan, so after I loop past Chicago I'll at least be pointed in the right direction again.
Chicago skyline
I like traveling via FSX. As I sit here at my computer (in Plant City, FL), it's a pleasant 79F. At 1,400 feet above Chicago, it's 36F! I'll stay at the keyboard, thank you very much.

End: KFPK, 1745; $12407.87 and 27gal

Total Distance Flown:  55,453 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $230,000

Sunday, November 10, 2013

#92 Washington DC #93 New York City

Start: KCLT, 0601; $4489.75 and 45gal

Another homecoming -- my summer home is in Chapel Hill, NC, so when I saw these jobs available I just had to take them. I have 1 North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor, 1 Duke University Student, and 1 Stewardess all going to Raleigh-Durham International.

End: KRDU, 0722; $6814.45 and 35gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

RDU in FSE is not like RDU in real life. With 3 small exceptions, all the jobs were pointed back to Charlotte. Luckily for me, one of the small jobs was going to Washington Executive, just outside of DC. So, I'm taking 1 Raleigh passenger on a tour of our nation's capitol.

The thirty knot crosswind en route makes me glad I installed the GPS system -- let it deal with the course corrections!
The Mall
Smithsonian Castle and the National Air & Space Museum
The White House, Capitol, Washington Monument and more
End: W32, 0952; $7640.65 and 19gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, this is kismet! I had really only planned on doing DC today, but it's awfully early. My next destination is New York City. And here at this little airstrip in suburban Maryland, there's a job going to JFK! I've just got enough fuel to make it, so I'm going for it. I'll take 2 Potomac passengers straight to JFK, after a brief aerial tour of Manhattan.

But first, a quick detour to fly over the University of Maryland (where I got my BS [no pun intended!]). It's probably not specifically included in FSX, but I gotta see!
University of Maryland, College Park (looks like a golf course to me!)
My flight took me almost directly over Philadelphia, so I had to take a few shots.
Philly (pretty nice for auto-gen!)
And now, on to the Big Apple!
Approaching Manhattan

My son Tony lives down in there somewhere!
Empire State and Chrysler Buildings

New York City is fabulous, but it brought my system to its knees. I was getting framerates of 2 to 3, and then the display stopped updating entirely. It made landing at JFK challenging to say the least, but by switching between the cockpit and outside views, I was able to get an occasional glimpse and managed to land safely.

End: KJKF, 1312; $8978.95 and 4gal

Total Distance Flown:  54,437 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $230,000

Saturday, November 9, 2013

#91 Atlanta

Start: KPCM, 0658; $10316.88 and 45gal

It's been nice to stay at home and relax for a few days, but time marches on. I'm heading out this morning with 3 Trinity Air passengers, bound for Fernandina Beach. I have no idea why this is one of the busiest airports in the FSE world, but it is.

End: 55J, 0855; $12399.03 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm now off to Fulton County in Georgia with 3 Business Charter passengers. We should get a good look at Atlanta just before final approach.
End: KFTY, 1156; $13997.43 and 24gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Rats! Although KFTY was the perfect destination for me to see Atlanta, there's not a single job here that the GlobeTrotter can carry. So, I'm flying empty to my next stop.

End: 9A5, 1246; $13997.43 and 19gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

What a small world! I'd like to head towards Charlotte or Raleigh. Here's a Pearl Flight Charter passenger going to Charlotte. I've painted the livery for Pearl Flight Charter. Several degrees of connection!

I had planned on getting a few more gallons of fuel, just to be safe. But it turns out that Pearl Flight doesn't have any. I should be fine, but I'll try to be a little more economical on this last leg to Charlotte.

I'm now airborne, at my cruising altitude of 6,000ft, and I see that with 200 miles to go, my fuel range is 284 miles (a 16kt tailwind doesn't hurt!). I feel good!

v$10,000 to the bank here in the big financial district of Charlotte!

End: KCLT, 1453; $4831.73 and 5gal

Total Distance Flown:  54,116 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $230,000

Sunday, November 3, 2013

#90 Miami

Start: MYNN, 0804; $7329.38 and 45gal

What a beautiful day! I'm in Nassau, and I'm heading for Miami -- not too tough to take, even though it's currently raining! This morning, after adjusting to the time change, I have 2 Crazy Buckeye Fans (I received my DVM and PhD from Ohio State!) and 1 Scuba Diver. I've only got about 4 hours of allowable flying time (before I hit the 30/48 rule), so I'll be a little heavy on the gas, hoping to speed things along.

As I'm taxiing to the active, the rain stops and the skies clear -- I must be doing something right! I wonder if I'll be flying through the Bermuda Triangle?
Miami Airport
End: KMIA, 1004; $9459.68 and 29gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm flying empty to the Airglades. This may seem like an unusual thing to do, but I've got my reasons!

End: 2IS, 1056; $9459.68 and 22gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This next flight is perhaps a bit silly, but I'm doing it anyway! As I type these words, I am sitting in my winter home in Plant City, Florida. I cannot possibly fly so close without landing in Plant City and seeing Art Poole's wonderful KPCM scenery. And, since I'm getting close to the 30/48 rule, I'll stay overnight here in my own Florida home!
Plant City Municipal Airport
P.S. My reason for stopping in the Airglades was to pick up 3 Private Shuttle passengers going to Plant City. Why fly on my dime when I can fly on someone else's?!

End: KPCM, 1208; $10445.18 and 13gal

Excellent airport. Since I live here, I wish the surrounding town was as well-done (I wish it included my house!). But with the FS Global 2010 mesh, UTX and GEX, it's not bad. I recognized the road patterns, and Walden Lake was right where it belongs!

Total Distance Flown:  53,426 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $220,000

Saturday, November 2, 2013

To the Bahamas

Start: SVMI, 0726; $6386.65 and 50gal

It's going to be a very long day, but a fairly simple one. I want to make some real progress, so I'm going to do a couple of direct flights to get me as close as possible to my next destination (Miami).

End: TJSJ, 1200; $6251.82 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now for the really long leg. But, I got some great news -- I'm not sure why, but I checked in at the Charter desk, and there are 2 EliteAir Charters and 1 EliteAir Golf passenger going to Nassau. So, I've got paying customers! Unfortunately, I can't take them all, because I need a full load of fuel for this one. So the golf guy will have to wait, I'm afraid.

Underway, up at altitude, and I've got a 17kt tailwind -- gotta love it!

P.S. Although San Juan is not one of the "detailed" cities in FSX, it's pretty nice!

End: MYNN, 1837; $7686.42 and 4gal

Total Distance Flown:  53,100 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $220,000

Friday, November 1, 2013

Voyage to Venezuela, part II

Start: SWGN, 0626; $4875.89 and 35gal

It's a long way, but I am determined to get to Caracas today. But there are more planes than jobs from this little airport! So, I'm heading off empty for now. I'm in a good mood today though, because I'll make significant progress, and I put another v$10,000 in the bank!

End: SBHT, 1004; $4790.16 and 30gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For this leg I have 2 Gov't Charter passengers. We're going to Santarem, to the west.

End: SBSN, 1150; $5508.88 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Back to flying empty again. Am I the only one who wants to go to Caracas? This will be a fairly long leg, but it gets me where I want to go with no wasted time. Plus, there's a job waiting for me when I land.

End: SBBV, 1607; $5472.01 and 27gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I now have another 2 Gov't Charter passengers, going to Canaima here in Venezuela.

End: SVCN, 1841; $6866.61 and 11gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's late, and I'm beat. But, one more leg will get me to Caracas, so I'm going for it. I'll fly IFR, since it's dark and I'm tired. Unfortunately, I'm tired enough that I didn't notice that Canaima airport has no fuel. So, there will be a stopover along the way....

Stopover: SV76, 1939; $6708.82 and 40gal

Wow, there are some big mountains very close to Caracas, and they're pretty hard to see in the dark. Good thing ATC was watching out for me!

End: SVMI, 2305; $6708.82 and 23gal

Total Distance Flown:  51,875 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $220,000

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Voyage to Venezuela, part I

Start: SBGL, 0704; $11273.92 and 40gal

It's good to have attainable goals. All I want to do right now is head north. I plan to continue heading north until I'm in Venezuela (hopefully, on the northern coast!). Since that's 2,500 miles, it will take me a few days. But I'll make it.

To begin, I have 3 Corporate Charter passengers going to Franca.

I'm excited to begin this part of the trip. It's been wonderful, but it's also been long. I'm looking forward to being on a course back towards "home" in the UK for the rest of the voyage.

End: SIMK, 0927; $13644.51 and 40gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Smooth sailing so far! I now have 1 Corporate VIP going to Brasilia.

End: SBBR, 1232; $15328.41 and 19gal

I'm about an hour and a half from my 100-hour inspection deadline, so while I'm having lunch, I'll have ASA Brasil do this for me. I'll then be taking off empty for Palmas to pick up my next job.

After lunch: 1356; $13272.48 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A quiet, uneventful flight. Well, I did have to file an IFR plan to take-off (not sure why -- the cloud coverage was fairly thick, but it was higher than I was going, and visibility was quite good). But that's no big deal.

End: SBPJ, 1736; $13272.48 and 22gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

My last leg of the day is taking 3 Corporate Charter passengers to Araguaina. It's getting late in the day, so I'll be IFR for this one, too.

End: SWGN, 2005; $15201.93 and 6gal

Total Distance Flown:  50,281 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $210,000

Monday, October 28, 2013

#88 Sao Paulo #89 Rio de Janeiro

Start: SSSF, 0514; $9496.43 and 44gal

No more messing about. No more funny business. I'm at some itty-bitty airport in south central Brazil. My target is within striking distance, so I am going to strike! There are only 3 FSE jobs here, 2 of which are too large for a Cessna Skyhawk and none headed the right way, so I'm just going to "get-r-dun" by myself.

Sao Paulo turns out to be a large metropolitan area with no distinguishing features. It's a nicely detailed city, but feels completely generic.
This could be almost any big city (but it is Sao Paulo)
End: SBGR, 0938; $9442.50 and 27gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Okay -- big airport, big business. Easy to find passengers going from Sao Paulo to Rio. So, I've put more fuel in the tank and picked up 3 of them. Away we go!
Rio de Janeiro
I think you're required to have this photo if you go to Rio!
End: SBGL, 1315; $11601.60 and 9gal

Total Distance Flown:  49,210 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $210,000

Sunday, October 27, 2013

East to Brazil

Start: SPZO, 0706; $3687.43 and 20gal

Life at the top of the world is good -- another $10,000 to the bank!

This morning I'm taking 1 Frontier passenger to Juliaca. Overall, my goal is to head east across Bolivia until I make it to Brazil.

End: SPJL, 0916; $4383.99 and 35gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

As wonderful as Cuzco airport is (mostly because of the Aerosoft scenery), I don't understand why it's known as the highest commercial airport in the world. It's at 10,808ft; Here at Manco Capac International in Juliaca, I'm sitting on the taxiway at 12,552ft! And let me tell you, climbing to 16,500 in my little Cessna is quite the adventure (not to mention not possible in real life)!

I am really pushing the envelope now -- I've got to climb to 15,000ft, and I've got 2 Tower Leasing Clients and 35 gallons of fuel on-board. If I make over this last mountain range, I've got smooth sailing the rest of the day. Wish me luck!
Pushing the GlobeTrotter past her capabilities
I can see why flight was not invented in Peru -- those mountains are killers! But, with a fairly large dose of luck, I managed to clear them (sometimes by as little as 600ft!). I'm now into the plains of Bolivia, and should have easy flights (down where there's enough oxygen to breathe!) for the rest of the day.

End: SLTR, 1304; $6025.60 and 27gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I felt like getting out and kissing the ground, but I didn't think that would make a very good impression in front of my passengers. Plus I've not got 3 new ones -- Tower Leasing Clients going to Santa Cruz.

End: SLVR, 1522; $8365.44 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, that's a little disappointing. I had a nice cargo job all lined up, but by the time I got there, it has already left! So, I'm here in Santa Cruz, with no likely prospects. So, I guess I'll have to check with the Charter office and see what else I can find.

There's nothing from Viru Viru, but if I hop 10 miles south, I can get a job going halfway to Sao Paulo! I'm on it!

End: SLET, 1537; $8365.44 and 52gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This will be a long last leg, but it takes me in exactly the direction I want to go! I have 2 Randon Air passengers, going 626 miles to Fazenda San Marino in Brazil. No time like the present, so off we go!

It's a long haul to a small airport, so I'm going to stop at the nearby Campo Grande Int'l airport for fuel before completing my trip. I'm not sure if I'll find a suitable job at the small Fazenda airstrip, so I'm going to gas up in preparation for heading to Sao Paulo on my own. There are quite a few airstrips here in Brazil with no fuel.

Stop-over: SBCG, 2203; $8197.33 and 54gal

End: SSSF, 2338; $9696.43 and 44gal

Total Distance Flown:  48,640 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $210,000

Friday, October 25, 2013

#87 Machu Pichu

Start: SETE, 0716; $10742.65 and 34gal

Another exciting day planned for today! I'm heading south to Peru and Machu Pichu and the nearby, famous Cuzco airport. I know that crossing those mountains will be a challenge in my little GlobeTrotter (according to Plan-G, at one point I will have to reach 12,000ft, which isn't possible in a real Cessna 172). So I know that means that I'll travel empty towards the end of today's route.

I will be travelling empty at the start of my route, too! There just aren't any jobs from Tena going anywhere near the right direction. So, I'll toss a coin, head south to Taisha, and see what I find there.

End: SETH, 0827; $10742.65 and 27gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

There was no fuel available at Taisha, but I've still got enough to get to my next destination. I'm taking 3 Group Charter passengers way, way up to Huancabama. It's still south, but it's 10,000 feet up!

End: SPAB, 1057; $12756.65 and 10gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, turns out there's no fuel at Huancabama, either. I'm running low, so I'll hop over to Jaen empty (passengers, not fuel!) and fill up.

End: SPJE, 1133; $12591.10 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This time I've got 3 Group Charter passengers going to Juanjui. This will be my last job for the day, and the rest will be devoted to traveling, and then seeing Machu Pichu and landing (I hope!) at Cuzco.

End: SPJI, 1316; $13980.10 and 32gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nobody's going my way, and I've still got a nice bankroll, so I'm just going to continue on my own. Probably just as well, as I need to be as light as possible so I can climb, climb, climb! Since there's no fuel here in Juanjui (this is the third airport with no FBO -- if anyone is looking to create a network from scratch, Peru has LOTS of spots to build).

I've got to stop for fuel, and I just couldn't resist when I saw the ICAO code: SPAY (for those that don't know, in real life I am a veterinarian). Still no FBO, but there's a fuel depot, so I'm good to go. Now the climbing will begin....

End: SPAY, 1725; $13910.33 and 30gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I couldn't help it -- even though it's virtual, this is the trip of a lifetime, and I don't know when I'll be in this part of the world again. So, I sprung for Aerosoft's Cuzco X scenery, since it includes so much more than just the airport. It's photoreal scenery and extensive auto-gen all the way out to Machu Pichu, which I'll witness for myself on this leg.

This has been another fairly long day (Wait -- aren't they all 24 hours? Come on -- you know what I mean!). I hope there's still enough light for good photos; it should be almost 7:00pm by the time I get to Machu Pichu.

It's 6:51pm, I'm at 12,000ft, 18 miles to Machu Pichu, and the sun is at the horizon. I'll either get really exciting sunset shots, or dull and dark ones!
Machu Pichu -- disappointing from the air
Score one for the GlobeTrotter! It took every last rpm she had, but I managed to climb to 14,000 feet and thread my way through the valley leading to the turn for Cuzco. Whew!
Cuzco, after dark -- not recommended! (and I suspect, not allowed)
Cuzco, the next morning
Leaving Cuzco
I know Machu Pichu is a long way from the airport (scenery-wise), so it's wonderful that they included it at all. But from the air, it was fuzzy and poorly defined. But the Cuzco airport is absolutely amazing. Probably the best and most highly detailed scenery I've experienced on my system. I highly recommend Cuzco X from Aerosoft.

End: SZPO, 1724; $13910.33 and 13gal

Total Distance Flown:  47,345 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $200,000

Thursday, October 24, 2013

To South America

Start: MROC, 0657; $5260.41 and 27gal

Another v$10,000 deposit in the bank -- what a great way to start the day (which started a bit too early because the blasted monkeys started howling!).

Luckily, my passenger was an early-riser, too, and was actually waiting for me when I got to the airport. So, a quick pre-flight, a little more gas in the tank, and I'm ready to go. We'll be heading to Panama on this leg; makes me wish I had some Central and South America scenery installed. But I don't think I'll be flying in this part of the world very much, so I can't justify the expense....
Climbing in Costa Rica!
End: MPDA, 0843; $5952.22 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, so much for Panama. I'll still get to see it from the air, but this leg will take me all the way to Columbia. I'm not crazy about landing in Columbia, but I don't have much choice. Plus, I don't intend to leave the airport grounds. For now, I've got 2 La Ruta passengers, going to Carepa.

End: SKLC, 1242; $7567.07 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Skirting the west coast of Columbia, I will now be taking 3 La Ruta passengers to Guapi. And for the record, as I expected and hoped, Columbia and its people are lovely.

End: SKGP, 1647; $9762.18 and 30gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Not that I'm anti-social or anything, but I'm not unhappy that I'm done with passengers for the day. This next leg will have me take 116kg of Priority Courier material into Ecuador (specifically, Tarapoa). I'm glad it's not too heavy a load, because there's big mountains between here and there!

That was closer than I'd like -- I'm climbing steadily, but the hills are climbing faster! As the sun sets slowly in the west, I come within 800 ft of the summit. But, it was 800 ft ABOVE, so all is well!

End: SETR, 1853; $10360.65 and 44gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last leg's a short little hop of 100 miles. I'm taking 235kg of canned goods with me to Tena. Since there's no fuel there, I tanked up before take-off.

As I get closer to Tena, I see what appears to another big mountain range in the distance (it's big and it's dark, so I assume it's a mountain!). Luckily, the airport I'm heading to lies in the foothills, so I won't have to climb it tonight.

End: SETE, 2015; $10942.65 and 34gal

Total Distance Flown:  46,371 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $200,000

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

#86 Mexico City

Start: MMMX, 0809; $7906.54 and 45gal

Got here very late last night, so no photos until this morning. I'll be starting a very long journey. My next destination is Sao Paulo, Brazil (4000-some miles away!), and I'm planning to fly over Machu Pichu on the way (if I decide to get Aerosoft's Cuzco scenery). So, I'll just head southeast, going where FSE takes me, 4 or 5 legs at a time.

To begin, I will take 3 Private Shuttle passengers east to Jalapa. With 3 passengers and a full load of fuel, the climb to 12,000ft is going to be labored! But first I'll get a tour of Mexico City (which, on a side note, was complex enough that it brought my system down to about 4fps)....
Mexico City
End: MMJA, 1001; $9177.34 and 33gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've unloaded my passengers, and am now taking on 3 Excalibur passengers, going to Minatitlan. I for one will be happy to leave the high altitudes behind for a while. Of course, I have to temper that against the fact that I'm now facing a 22kt headwind. Suddenly, severe turbulence, and then I've got a 24kt tailwind. Good thing I haven't had lunch yet!

End: MMMT, 1207; $11480.24 and 45gal

Boy, they really gouge you for the fuel here!

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now this is a little better! Those first two hops were rather short. But this time I'm going 460 miles to Comayagua in Honduras, with 3 Military Charter passengers.

Wow, southeastern Mexico is gorgeous! More and more, I'm glad I upgraded to FS Genesis 2010. I wonder how much better the new "Extreme" version are?
Mountainous Mexican sunset
End: MHSC, 1850; $14645.96 and 40gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

To end up the day, I have 1 "La Ruta (MHSC)" passenger going to San Jose in Costa Rica. I'm really looking forward to exploring the scenery of this lush, rainforested country, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

End: MROC, 2233; $15503.66 and 15gal

Total Distance Flown:  45,275 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $190,000

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Down Mexico Way

Start: L18, 0702; $4212.88 and 54gal

Another $10,000 to the bank here in Southern California.

My next stop is Mexico City, nearly 1300 miles southwest. Needless to say, I'll be making some stops along the way! It took a lot of back and forth searching and planning, but I managed to find a route with paying customer all the way -- except for my very first short hop down to Tijuana. So, the first 50 miles I'll be empty. The next 1320 miles I'll have company of one sort or another.

As the cloud cover gets thicker and thicker, I'm not surprised when my VFR clearance is denied. So, I quickly file an IFR plan, and continue towards Tijuana.

End: MMTJ, 0751; $4212.88 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Since this leg is a bit ovr 600 miles, I topped off my tank. I now have 1 SAQ Cliente and we're headed almost all the way down the Baja peninsula to La Paz. Maybe I'll get a chance to brush off my high school Spanish!

End: MMLP, 1428; $4946.03 and 40gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've now got a short hop (66 miles) taking 2 Private Shuttle passengers and 92kg of Private Courier material to Cabo San Lucas! But then I've got another long leg, so I gassed up before taking-off, since fuel was cheaper in La Paz.

End: MMSD, 1537; $5663.39 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Getting closer to the end! For this leg, I've got 3 Aeronaves Quetzal passengers, going 515 miles to Morelia. So, I've topped off the tank again (as much as I can with 3 passengers), and we're off.
Moon over Mexico
End: MMMM, 2157; $8209.86 and 27gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Well, it's really dark (no big surprise, since it's 10:00pm!). I knew this was going to be a long series of flights, but somehow I didn't expect it to be THIS long! My last run, to get me to Mexico City, is hauling 292 kg of Cargo. But, I'd really rather be farther along on this journey than a little behind, so I'm going to grab a soda (for the caffeine) and keep going!

End: MMMX, 2323; $8209.86 and 18gal

Total Distance Flown:  44,206 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $190,000

Monday, October 21, 2013

#84 Yosemite #85 Los Angeles

Start: KSFO, 0708; $8272.01 and 45gal

This may turn out to be the highlight of the tour! Although it will end in Los Angeles (not my favorite destination), I'll be passing through the fabulous Yosemite Valley (my favorite destination). And, to make it all the more spectacular, I'll be turning on my GeoRender Yosemite scenery!

Right at the crack of dawn (at least, that's what it feels like to me), I'm starting off by taking 3 Kenn Borek passengers to Westover-Amador in Jackson. I don't know what a Kenn Borek is, but that's okay!

After take-off, I couldn't help but take a few more shots of San Francisco. These were what I was expecting -- a bit hard to see the city (and impossible to see the Golden Gate Bridge) because of the fog.
Typical San Francisco weather
End: O70, 0818; $10496.81 and 36gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now it's the trip I've been waiting for. I'll be flying 2 Private Shuttle passengers to Mariposa-Yosemite airport, and taking a slight detour right through the Yosemite Valley on the way. I know that screen captures of a virtual flight through a simulated landscape cannot compare with the awesome majesty of Yosemite National Park (which I've been lucky enough to visit twice), but it still should be awfully good!
Yosemite - El Capitan
Yosemite - the Valley
Yosemite - Half Dome (even with GeoRender, it's a disapointing imitation)
End: O68, 0932; $10881.11 and 28gal

P.S. I'm not sure if I have the GeoRender scenery working or not -- it sure doesn't look photorealistic to me. I have since learned that there is freeware Yosemite scenery (plus lots more) available from Blue Sky Scenery. Their screenshots looked better than what I got, so I downloaded it. Here are replacement images of Yosemite using the Blue Sky scenery:
Yosemite - El Capitan
Yosemite - the Valley
Yosemite - Half Dome (my take -- BlueSkyScenery is better, and FREE!)
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Just an intermediate stop, but a very convenient one. There are 2 Propulsion Technicians and 1 Airframe Engineer who want to go to Quail Lake Sky Park. That's in exactly the right direction for me, so I'll take them!

End: CL46, 1243; $13343.51 and 14gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

A quick lunch, a little more planning, and today's last leg turned out to be better than I'd hoped. From Quail Park, I've found 3 Private Passengers who'd like to go to Fallbrook Community airport, and they don't mind a scenic overfly of LA. So, I get to see it without actually having to stop there! And, this flight will take me just a little bit further towards my next destination.

FSX may not model Yosemite quite as nicely as I'd like, but it has LA smog down just right! The Hollywood sign was completely obscurred, as was all but the tops of the skyscrapers in LA.
Los Angeles smog
End: L18, 1419; $14591.81 and 4gal

Total Distance Flown:  42,837 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $180,000

Friday, October 18, 2013

#83 San Francisco

Start: KCVO, 0638; $4647.49 and 16gal

Today, I'm starting a short vacation! My next destination is San Francisco, and I'm going to spend a few days exploring that wonderful city.

But first, I have to get there. It's just far enough that I'd prefer for the trip to pay for itself, so I'll take a less-than-direct route, 'cause that's where the customers want to go!

I'm starting out in the wrong direction, taking 3 Glacier Aviation passengers to Portland.

End: KPDX, 0738; $6605.67 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Now I'll be headed in the right direction! The main reason I came to Portland was to pick up 1 Elite Air Mechanic who's going to Reno. After a quick stop at the fuel pumps, he's in and we're off.
Portland (not too bad for default FSX auto-gen)
I don't get the GlobeTrotter up to 10,000ft too often (it's easier with one passenger than with three). A nice smooth ride this morning.
The nose-bleed section
Faux Reno
End: KRNO, 1238; $7469.67 and 25gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For the last leg of the day, I'm taking 2 Elite Air passengers to San Francisco. I hope they enjoy their trip as much as I will!

I probably should have gotten some add-on scenery -- I'm really hoping they've done San Francisco proud.
Golden Gate Bridge (duh!)
Alcatraz Island
San Francisco
The financial district
End: KSFO, 1351; $8792.67 and 12gal

Total Distance Flown:  42,371 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $180,000