Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Voyage to Venezuela, part I

Start: SBGL, 0704; $11273.92 and 40gal

It's good to have attainable goals. All I want to do right now is head north. I plan to continue heading north until I'm in Venezuela (hopefully, on the northern coast!). Since that's 2,500 miles, it will take me a few days. But I'll make it.

To begin, I have 3 Corporate Charter passengers going to Franca.

I'm excited to begin this part of the trip. It's been wonderful, but it's also been long. I'm looking forward to being on a course back towards "home" in the UK for the rest of the voyage.

End: SIMK, 0927; $13644.51 and 40gal

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Smooth sailing so far! I now have 1 Corporate VIP going to Brasilia.

End: SBBR, 1232; $15328.41 and 19gal

I'm about an hour and a half from my 100-hour inspection deadline, so while I'm having lunch, I'll have ASA Brasil do this for me. I'll then be taking off empty for Palmas to pick up my next job.

After lunch: 1356; $13272.48 and 45gal

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A quiet, uneventful flight. Well, I did have to file an IFR plan to take-off (not sure why -- the cloud coverage was fairly thick, but it was higher than I was going, and visibility was quite good). But that's no big deal.

End: SBPJ, 1736; $13272.48 and 22gal

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My last leg of the day is taking 3 Corporate Charter passengers to Araguaina. It's getting late in the day, so I'll be IFR for this one, too.

End: SWGN, 2005; $15201.93 and 6gal

Total Distance Flown:  50,281 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $210,000

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