Sunday, November 10, 2013

#92 Washington DC #93 New York City

Start: KCLT, 0601; $4489.75 and 45gal

Another homecoming -- my summer home is in Chapel Hill, NC, so when I saw these jobs available I just had to take them. I have 1 North Carolina at Chapel Hill Professor, 1 Duke University Student, and 1 Stewardess all going to Raleigh-Durham International.

End: KRDU, 0722; $6814.45 and 35gal

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RDU in FSE is not like RDU in real life. With 3 small exceptions, all the jobs were pointed back to Charlotte. Luckily for me, one of the small jobs was going to Washington Executive, just outside of DC. So, I'm taking 1 Raleigh passenger on a tour of our nation's capitol.

The thirty knot crosswind en route makes me glad I installed the GPS system -- let it deal with the course corrections!
The Mall
Smithsonian Castle and the National Air & Space Museum
The White House, Capitol, Washington Monument and more
End: W32, 0952; $7640.65 and 19gal

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Well, this is kismet! I had really only planned on doing DC today, but it's awfully early. My next destination is New York City. And here at this little airstrip in suburban Maryland, there's a job going to JFK! I've just got enough fuel to make it, so I'm going for it. I'll take 2 Potomac passengers straight to JFK, after a brief aerial tour of Manhattan.

But first, a quick detour to fly over the University of Maryland (where I got my BS [no pun intended!]). It's probably not specifically included in FSX, but I gotta see!
University of Maryland, College Park (looks like a golf course to me!)
My flight took me almost directly over Philadelphia, so I had to take a few shots.
Philly (pretty nice for auto-gen!)
And now, on to the Big Apple!
Approaching Manhattan

My son Tony lives down in there somewhere!
Empire State and Chrysler Buildings

New York City is fabulous, but it brought my system to its knees. I was getting framerates of 2 to 3, and then the display stopped updating entirely. It made landing at JFK challenging to say the least, but by switching between the cockpit and outside views, I was able to get an occasional glimpse and managed to land safely.

End: KJKF, 1312; $8978.95 and 4gal

Total Distance Flown:  54,437 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $230,000

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