Monday, October 28, 2013

#88 Sao Paulo #89 Rio de Janeiro

Start: SSSF, 0514; $9496.43 and 44gal

No more messing about. No more funny business. I'm at some itty-bitty airport in south central Brazil. My target is within striking distance, so I am going to strike! There are only 3 FSE jobs here, 2 of which are too large for a Cessna Skyhawk and none headed the right way, so I'm just going to "get-r-dun" by myself.

Sao Paulo turns out to be a large metropolitan area with no distinguishing features. It's a nicely detailed city, but feels completely generic.
This could be almost any big city (but it is Sao Paulo)
End: SBGR, 0938; $9442.50 and 27gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Okay -- big airport, big business. Easy to find passengers going from Sao Paulo to Rio. So, I've put more fuel in the tank and picked up 3 of them. Away we go!
Rio de Janeiro
I think you're required to have this photo if you go to Rio!
End: SBGL, 1315; $11601.60 and 9gal

Total Distance Flown:  49,210 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $210,000

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