Friday, September 20, 2013

Heading to Hong Kong, part IV

Start:  OBY, 0812; $9966.68 and 19gal

Today I'll be hopping my way across Papua New Guinea, setting myself up for an eventual jump across the Equator to the Philipines.

To start off, I've got 55kg of fuel cans bound for Cape Gloucester (which sounds to me like it should be in New England somewhere!).

I've heard several people talk about the joy of flying around Papua New Guinea. I never got it. When I think New Guinea, I think of the old National Geographic specials about head-hunters. But let me tell you, the scenery is gorgeous. Striking mountains, dense forests, and that blue, blue water! Static, 2-D photos just don't do it justice -- you need to see it in its moving, 3-D glory!
Interesting terrain
End: CPG, 0943; $10326.47 and 30gal

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Another leg, another load of cans! This time it's 164kg of canned goods going to Aiomi (now that sounds a little more New Guinean!).

For some time now, I've been thinking about upgrading to an integrated GPS system. Would sure make these long oceanic flights easier. I just might have to pull the trigger...

End: AIO, 1237; $11007.94 and 45gal

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If there's an airstrip in the middle of nowhere, I think AIO might be it! I've decided to hold off on the GPS installation. Returning to New Guinea for warranty work might be difficult...!

So, I'll load up my 3 Group Charter passengers, and head off to Tadji, on the northern coast.

End: TAD, 1457; $12555.49 and 29gal

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I've been flying over the deep blue sea, at about 3,500 feet (habit, mostly). But on this leg, I'll have to climb to more than 1,000 feet ASL, or I'll become a lawn dart! At least it's just me and my cargo -- 148kg of fuel cans and 124kg of Priority Mail. Hmm, fuel and kindling -- maybe not the smartest combination!
Not the most convenient airport location!
End: AYTB, 1648; $14059.34 and 15gal

Total Distance Flown:  29,872 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $130,000

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Heading to Hong Kong, part III

Start:  AGGH, 0711; $5667.45 and 14gal

Today will be a day of island hopping (makes me wish I was flying my Beaver!). I've managed to find a series of small jobs each heading a little farther west, taking me through the Solomon Islands and eventually making my way to Papua New Guinea (well, one of its islands!).

First leg: 2 Private Shuttle passengers going to Seghe. I'm a little light on fuel, but I think I'm fine for 140 miles, and it's a lot cheaper at my destination.

End: AGGS, 0836; $6442.13 and 40gal

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Brake to a halt, unload my passengers, a quick stop at the fuel pump, and I pick up my next load -- 128kg of fuel cans and 112kg of Priority Mail. I'm off to the next island! With this much weight, she handles a bit sluggishly, but I expect a smooth and uneventful flight. Of course, there are some very large, very dark clouds off to the south....

End: AGGO, 1014; $7980.18 and 22gal

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More cargo hauling, this time 305kg of Food, Supplies and Mail. Pushing my payload pretty hard! In fact, as I begin loading, I find that I'll be over my max. weight. So, I've got to siphon off a bit until I'm down to 18 gallons! It's only 95 miles, so I'll be fine.

End: WAI, 1124; $9552.68 and 25gal

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Another cargo run, taking 110kg of canned goods to the alluringly named Open Bay.

End: OBY, 1347; $10206.68 and 9gal

Total Distance Flown:  29,126 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $130,000

Sunday, September 15, 2013

Heading to Hong Kong, part II

Start:  NWWW, 0735; $4659.84 and 35gal

Well, I guess I should have researched my route better. Yesterday, I ended up here in New Caledonia, patting myself on the back for not only making it, but being well on my way to Hong Kong. But today, I wake to find that all the FSE jobs are headed to Australia. Not that there's anything wrong with that! But I want to go northwest, towards Hong Kong.

So, I'm heading off on my own for the exotic Vanuatu. There's a lot of ocean between me and there, and flying sure beats taking a hand-built bamboo raft!

End: NVVV, 1039; $4618.57 and 27gal

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I quick stop for a bit more fuel, and I've loaded a job! I have 3 Corporate Charter passengers, headed exactly where I'm wanting to go -- Luganville (still in Vanuatu)!
Between islands
End: NVSS, 1234; $5867.45 and 54gal

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No one seems eager to leave Vanuatu; looking around, I can see why. Nonetheless, I must press on. So, I'm off empty for my last leg today -- 557 miles to the Solomon Islands.

End: AGGH, 1804; $5867.45 and 14gal

Total Distance Flown:  28,518 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $130,000