Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Down Mexico Way

Start: L18, 0702; $4212.88 and 54gal

Another $10,000 to the bank here in Southern California.

My next stop is Mexico City, nearly 1300 miles southwest. Needless to say, I'll be making some stops along the way! It took a lot of back and forth searching and planning, but I managed to find a route with paying customer all the way -- except for my very first short hop down to Tijuana. So, the first 50 miles I'll be empty. The next 1320 miles I'll have company of one sort or another.

As the cloud cover gets thicker and thicker, I'm not surprised when my VFR clearance is denied. So, I quickly file an IFR plan, and continue towards Tijuana.

End: MMTJ, 0751; $4212.88 and 54gal

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Since this leg is a bit ovr 600 miles, I topped off my tank. I now have 1 SAQ Cliente and we're headed almost all the way down the Baja peninsula to La Paz. Maybe I'll get a chance to brush off my high school Spanish!

End: MMLP, 1428; $4946.03 and 40gal

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I've now got a short hop (66 miles) taking 2 Private Shuttle passengers and 92kg of Private Courier material to Cabo San Lucas! But then I've got another long leg, so I gassed up before taking-off, since fuel was cheaper in La Paz.

End: MMSD, 1537; $5663.39 and 45gal

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Getting closer to the end! For this leg, I've got 3 Aeronaves Quetzal passengers, going 515 miles to Morelia. So, I've topped off the tank again (as much as I can with 3 passengers), and we're off.
Moon over Mexico
End: MMMM, 2157; $8209.86 and 27gal

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Well, it's really dark (no big surprise, since it's 10:00pm!). I knew this was going to be a long series of flights, but somehow I didn't expect it to be THIS long! My last run, to get me to Mexico City, is hauling 292 kg of Cargo. But, I'd really rather be farther along on this journey than a little behind, so I'm going to grab a soda (for the caffeine) and keep going!

End: MMMX, 2323; $8209.86 and 18gal

Total Distance Flown:  44,206 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $190,000

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