Saturday, August 24, 2013

#51 Perth

Start:  YBGO, 0721; $9023.88 and 54gal

Starting off a fairly long day today -- I'm intending to go all the way to Perth, nearly 1,000 miles away. But I've found jobs that take me directly there, so I'm up for it. To start off, I've got one Coal Miner and one Bar Girl heading for Jundee. I'm hoping to get more local information about Western Australia, because all I know is that most of it looks like the surface of Mars!
Australia or Mars?
 End: YJUN, 1345; $10775.28 and 11gal

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Boy am I hungry! That was a long flight. But in ended with me in the middle of nowhere. So, I'm going to hop 23 miles to Wiluna empty, and then fill up the plane and myself!

End: YWLU, 1404, $10641.63 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Okay, feeling good and ready to go. For this leg, I'm taking 3 Barmaids to Perth. Should be a fun flight -- I look forward to picking up a lot more local culture!

It's 6:00pm, and in Australia in the winter that means it's dark. So, no photos of Perth today.

End: YPPH, 1843; $13236.33 and 15gal

Total Distance Flown:  21,267 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $100,000

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Goin' Down Unda

Start:  WATM, 0949; $7792.52 and 11gal

Well, I think this is a first. This is the first day I haven't had to stick a new flag onto the side of the Globe Trotter. I started yesterday in Indonesia, and I ended still in Indonesia! So, to make up for it, I've got a good long flight today!

I've finally got someone to talk to (assuming they speak English)! This leg has me taking 3 Passengers 61 miles to Dili. A pretty short hop, but there's another job there waiting for me.

End: WPDL, 1035; $8246.81 and 25gal

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I now have a single Private Shuttle passenger going to El Tari in Kupang. A little out of my way, but don't worry, it will be worth it!

End: WATT, 1221; $8514.54 and 45gal

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Okay, this is the one I've been waiting for. I am now within striking distance of Australia. It's a bit of a stretch, but there's a Night Club Hottie who wants to go 649nm to Balgo Hill in Western Australia. How can I refuse? So, I've gassed up, and I'm ready to go!

After parking near the gate and picking up my next job, I find that I am still excited about getting to Australia later today. But I'm not as excited with my passenger....

So, it's a big ocean (actually, it's the Timor Sea), so I'm going to file and fly IFR. I should be fine (right now I've got a 21kt tail-wind), but you never know.
That's a lot of water!
Turned out to be a very smooth flight (tail-wind stayed with me, but slowly tapered off to 6kt). And Dennis wasn't such a bad guy after all! He just needs a better wardrobe and haircut.

End: YBGO, 1915; $9391.14 and 7gal

Total Distance Flown:  20,301 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $100,000

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

East of Java

Start: WRRA, 0642; $5733.00 and 16gal

An easy (although early) start to the day, which should see me heading east all the way to the end of Indonesia, and perhaps into Australia. To begin, I'm taking my favorite passenger (297kg of canned goods!) to Bima. I'm pretty sure this is the heaviest load I've hauled, so we'll see how the Trotter handles.

Perhaps it's thanks to UTX and its improved mesh, but there is some rugged beautiful terrain in southeast Indonesia.
Beautiful scenery
End: WADB, 0844; $6640.52 and 45gal

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The cans have been unloaded, and I'm taking on a Priority Courier package -- it's kind of a big one at 116kg.

Gorgeous South Pacific scenery, with the water that unique shade of aquamarine.
It's so blue!
End: WATE, 1207; $7351.52 and 29gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Another landing, another cargo switch. This time, I've got 103kg of Priority Mail bound for Mali (the city, not the country!).

End: WATM, 1446; $7992.52 and 11gal

What's up with this airport?! Actually, I know that this is primarily an FSX quirk -- runway's must be completely flat, and if humans don't do it, FSX will excavate to make it so. Which means you occasionally get an airport in a big hole, like this one. Glad I decided to circle around and approach from the west!
That's quite a sinkhole!

I had planned to continue on today, but since I've had several long days recently, I've come up against the FSE 30/48 rule (you may only fly 30 hours in any 48 hour period). So, I'm going to spend a day relaxing in Mali, Indonesia, and I'll finish my jobs tomorrow.

Total Distance Flown:  19,445 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $100,000

Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Good Morning Indonesia

Start: WSSS, 0827; $1830.92 and 39gal

The one good thing to come out of yesterday's marathon session -- another v$10,000 to the bank today!

I'm starting out this morning by taking 3 Corporate Charter passengers to Jambi, Indonesia. It's raining, and I'll be over water most of the time, so this will just be a direct flight with no sightseeing, once I leave Singapore. I do need some photos, since it was so late when I arrived last night.
Of course, I find the stadium first!
End: WIPA, 1049; $3499.11 and 54gal

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I'm pushing the envelope again! This leg is 589nm, which is farther than I should really go in a C172. But I couldn't resist this job, as it's going exactly the direction I need. And it's only 1 Air Taxi Passenger. So, I've gassed up fully, and go light on the throttle. And this time, I've actually planned ahead -- both my departure and arrival point have fuel available!

End: WIAR, 1758; $4317.50 and 40gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

It's too bad it's so late. There must be some impressive mountains along my route, because ATC has assigned an altitude of 9,500ft. But it's so dark, I can't really see them. Glad I've got ATC to watch out for me! Of course, I exaggerate a little; I can see the mountains, vaguely. I'm still glad for ATC.

However, they've reach a new low with their frequent course juggling. I'm 80 miles from my destination, and they have me turning between 070 and 105 every few minutes. And after descending to 9,300, they've had me climb back to 12,000 (10,000ft AGL!). And they've just told me to climb to 15,000 -- in a Cessna 172, for crying out loud!! That's above my service ceiling, but FSX doesn't have a way for me to tell them that. It also doesn't have a way for me to curse, which is probably just as well.

So, although it's much too dark for VFR (in my opinion), I'm cancelling my IFR flight plan. Take that!

End: WRRA, 2139; $5933.00 and 16gal

Total Distance Flown:  18,935 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $100,000

#50 Singapore

Start: VTBD, 0911; $5061.83 and 35gal

This trip is not only educational and entertaining, but it's actually profitable as well. Another v$10,000 to the bank today.

It will take a few hops, but I'm determined to get to Singapore today. My first leg is taking 3 Special Operations Personnel to Surat Thani (which sounds to me like it's on the planet Vulcan). Why are 3 Special Ops guys flying around Thailand in my little Cessna? Don't ask; don't tell!

This may turn out to be an interesting flight, but for different reasons than I expected. Once I reach my assigned altitude of 4,000ft, I find a 31kt cross-wind! But, it stays fairly steady, so there's no turbulence. It gradually slows to 15kts as I approach my destination. But once I start descending, the turbulence kicks in. This will be a "fun" landing!

Well, for all the bouncing around, that was one of my better landing jobs. In fact, as they left, one of the Special Ops guys gave me a pat on the shoulder!

End: VTSB, 1300; $6639.80 and 20 gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

This leg will be just a little different, because my 3 passengers are now Corporate Charter guys (a different kind of Black Ops!). I'll also have some hillier terrain to deal with as I cross into Malayasia.

I also see that I didn't do adequate fuel planning. With 3 passengers, I can carry 45 gallons. I've got 298 miles to my next stop. No problem, right? But now that I think to check, I see that my next 3 stops have no fuel. So, I've got 596 miles of flying to do, and I really don't think 45 gallons is going to do it. Guess there's nothing else to do but try to conserve as much fuel as I can, and thank my lucky stars for my GPS (which will find me "nearest" airstrips along the way).

As I'm handed off to different centers, I can't help but notice one name in particular. From Bangkok Center to Hat Yai to Alor Setar to Butterworth to Kuala Lumpur. Wait a minute... Butterworth? That doesn't sound particularly Malaysian to me!

End: WMKI, 1629; $10079.97 and 21gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I have 2 Group Charter passengers, going to Pulau Tioman 212 miles away. I've got 21 gallons of fuel. I'll be fine. But then I have to keep going! As I level off, I find I've got a 9kt tail-wind. Will it be enough? Stay tuned!

It's a good thing I'm IFR -- about mid-way through my trip, I am completely within massive dark grey clouds. I can't see a thing!

End: WMBT, 1907; $11349.97 and 6gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm saved (I hope!)! Checking in at the "for hire" desk, I find a job taking 3 Private Passengers to Changi, where they have fuel! Since it's dark, I think I'll just head straight there, and leave the sightseeing for tomorrow morning.

With 6 gallons, and cruising at 6gph, I should be able to fly for an hour, which should take me about 90 miles. I hate to disappoint people, but I think I'd be smarter to fly empty this leg, both for the weight savings, and in case things don't go well. I have found an airport with fuel only 76 miles away, though, so I'll ask my prospective passengers if they mind making a quick stop...

End: WMKJ, 2010; $11349.97 and 1gal!

That was TOO close!! If I hadn't had a 12kt tail-wind most of the way, I would not have made it. And there wasn't a closer airport in case I didn't! I'm glad I've been flying this plane for a while now, and have learned to handle it rather well (if I do say so myself!), because I cut this landing pretty tight!

then WMKJ, 2014; $11176.87 and 45gal

Okay, I can relax now. It's the end of a very long day (913nm and almost 12 hours!), but all's well that ends well.
Singapore at night
End: WSSS, 2102; $12030.92 and 39gal

Total Distance Flown:  17,884 nautical miles

Sunday, August 18, 2013

Let Me Outta Here

Start: VYKU, 0716; $14092.75 and 11gal

Boy, it isn't easy to get out of Myanmar. No, I'm not having Customs problems. I just can't find flights heading south. I was putting together today's plan, and it involved lots of short hops and included a fair amount of backtracking. By the time I was done, I had 5 stops, and had only managed to get about 250 miles in the direction I want to go!

So, I started over and worked backwards. I found a nice long flight to Bangkok, and figured out a route to take me there. So, I'm now loading a single Passenger and we're off to Bagan, a mere 46 miles away. The weather's not great (overcast, and I hear thunder), so I'm IFR again.

End: VYBG, 0758; $14230.75 and 7gal

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My next destination is 66 miles away, and I've got 7 gallons of fuel. That's cutting it pretty close! But, there's no fuel available at Bagan, so there you go. I've got 1 Air Photography Passenger, and we're determined to make it to Mandalay Int'l Airport. So here we go.

End: VYMD, 0853; $14648.75 and 2gal

Boy, that was cutting it pretty close! The weather got progressively worse, and visibility was pretty limited for my approach. But for some reason, it was one of my smoother landings. Fortunately for me, this is a large airport and has plenty of fuel. So, I'm gassing up, because I've got a LONG leg remaining.

Now: VYMD, 0900; $14452.05 and 54gal

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One last leg, and one last passenger. This one will push the Globe Trotter to her limits; it's 538 miles. But, I've got clearance for a direct route, and I've got plenty of fuel, so I'm feeling good. Bangkok, here I come!

Not long after take-off, the skies have cleared but the winds have really picked up and we're getting tossed around like a sock in the dryer. I've requested a higher cruising altitude, but that hasn't helped. I guess I should be thankful that it's a cross-wind and not a head-wind.

Twenty minutes and another 1,000ft up, and it's smooth sailing. Plus, that cross-wind has shifted a bit, and is now at least partly a tail-wind -- wheeee!

End: VTBD, 1444; $15323.25 and 18gal

It's fairly early in the day, but I'm tired, I want to do some sightseeing, and I've got a line on my next plane -- a Grumman G21 Goose!

Total Distance Flown:  16,972 nautical miles