Tuesday, November 12, 2013

#94 Chicago

Start: KJKF, 0809; $8595.80 and 54gal

Yet another homecoming! I'm starting off this morning taking 2 Vacationers to Columbus, Ohio (I got my DVM and PhD from Ohio State).

End: KCMH, 1210; $9905.02 and 45gal

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Holy Toledo! I'm now carrying 1 Colorado Air passenger, 1 EliteAir passenger and 1 EliteAir code-share passenger, to Toledo.
The Ohio State University - Looks surprisingly industrial
End: KTOL, 1353; $12116.27 and 54gal

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I'm sure glad the Chicago scenery was worth it, because today's trip has taken me hundreds of miles in the wrong direction! I have 1 Private Shuttle passenger going to Charlotte, Michigan, so after I loop past Chicago I'll at least be pointed in the right direction again.
Chicago skyline
I like traveling via FSX. As I sit here at my computer (in Plant City, FL), it's a pleasant 79F. At 1,400 feet above Chicago, it's 36F! I'll stay at the keyboard, thank you very much.

End: KFPK, 1745; $12407.87 and 27gal

Total Distance Flown:  55,453 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $230,000

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