Friday, August 30, 2013

#54 Canberra

Start:  YMMB, 0728; $4148.89 and 40gal

Another short day. Try though I might, I couldn't find a way to get from Melbourne to Canberra (directly, with FSE jobs). So, I'm off to West Sale on my own. I feel just fine about that, because I put another $10,000 in the bank this morning!

End: YWSL, 0843; $4148.89 and 31gal

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I've now got a 192kg load of newspaper and mail to take to Canberra. Which is why I came to West Sale in the first place!

I'm stopping in Canberra not only to take in the history and sights, but because there's a ZCR Aviation FBO here. I'll check in with Zane, and tank up with good, clean ZCR fuel!

A little hazy over Canberra, and a lot of low-level turbulence. But overall a good day for flying, a some nice shots. I did not know that they had a Lake Geneva-style plume fountain in the river!
Canberra landmarks
Thar she blows!

End: YSCB, 1114; $5073.18 and 14gal

Total Distance Flown:  23,639 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $120,000

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

#53 Melbourne

Start:  YWKI, 0931; $9931.27 and 35gal

A shorter day than usual today. I've got 3 VicAir Passengers, going to Benalla (a good long 326 miles), and then I'll finish up with a quick tour of Melbourne.

Turns out it's a good thing I'm flying less today -- although the skies are clear, the winds are a beast! 38kt headwind, with shifting directions. I've got to see if I can find some VORs and let the navigation system do the steering!

In some ways, I feel like I'm back in Europe -- there sure is a LOT of farmland in South Australia!

End: YBLA, 1252; $12501.67 and 11gal

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I've now disembarked by 3 VicAir passengers, and have picked up 3 different VicAir passengers. We're off to Melbourne!

As I approach, I notice that Melbourne appears to be a large, sprawling city surrounded by extensive suburbs. The closer I get, the lower my frame rate goes! There's a lot to draw.
Downtown Melbourne
End: YMMB, 1401; $14480.77 and 4gal

Total Distance Flown:  23,352 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $110,000

Monday, August 26, 2013

My Travels in Flatland

My Travels in Flatland

Start:  YAYE, 0751; $4655.14 and 45gal

Okay, a quick run past Uluru again, to get some photos while the sun is up! Then, I'm taking 1 Corporate VIP to the wonderfully named Oodnadatta in northern South Australia.

Boy, that is one big rock! But other than that, the sky is completely empty and the land is flat and featurless. Not a good place to get lost, I'm thinking. Hotels seem to be few and far between!
Uluru in the daytime
When I arrive at Oodnadatta, I find that it is a dirt strip, surrounded by a very slightly different color of dirt! So, I go around and do a better job of finding it on my second attempt! It might be a small airstrip, but it's got my next job, and it's got fuel!

End: YOOD, 1147; $6098.66 and 45gal

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Quite an assorted bag of nuts this time -- I've got 1 Camper, 1 Country Footballer and 1 SkyNet Maintenance Mechanic. I hope that last guy works on airplanes, and not some large semi-sentient computer defense system!

I'll tell you, the wind is really whipping across the plains down here in Australia. I'm battling a 21kt cross-wind that keeps shifting around -- makes it tough to stay on the magenta highway when flying manually.

End: YPAG, 1539; $8806.16 and 17gal

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Through a combination of planning and caution, I have just enough fuel to continue on my way. Which is a good thing, because there's no fuel to be had here in Port Augusta. So, switch out my eclectic passengers for a 3 person Charter Group, and it's back up into the air.

Not far from Port Augusta is Mount Remarkable National Park. In FSX it may not live up to the hype, but with a name like that, I've got to go see!

There's a little haze in the air, but after all the desert landscapes, this IS pretty remarkable!
Mount Remarkable (I think the varied FSX textures are pretty remarkable!)
Timed that one pretty well. I'm 20 miles from Waikerie as the sun settles gently into the West. Wait, I'm down under. Does it still set in the West here?!

End: YWKI, 1719; $10249.21 and 6gal

Total Distance Flown:  22,925 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $110,000

Sunday, August 25, 2013

#52 Uluru

Start:  YPPH, 0641; $2923.01 and 45gal

It's a great way to start the day, depositing another $10,000 in the bank! And looking at the sky, this does look to be a great day.

This morning, I have 3 EA passengers, going easterly to Leonora. That works for me, because it's almost directly in line with my next destination, Uluru in the Northern Territory. It's a long way from anywhere, but I can't be flying across Australia and not see this natural wonder.

Just to be a little different, this leg will be IFR via low-altitude airways. But first, a little cruising for a few photos of Perth.
Downtown Perth

East of Perth does NOT look like Mars!

And then, suddenly, it does!
End: YLEO, 1204; $5001.62 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nobody here in Leonora wants to join me on my trek to Ayers Rock, so I'm going to take my gas money and go the next 557 miles alone! After some wonderful photos, I'll then land at nearby Ayers Rock airport. I'll be VFR this time, because I want to fly straight there, and then circle a bit before heading to the airport.

Aaarrgh! It's just after 5:00pm, and I've got 130 miles to go (about an hour and a half), but the sun's going down! By the time I get to the Rock, it will be dark. So, I guess my photos shoot will have to wait until tomorrow....

But suddenly, there it is! I'll still take a few photos in the daylight tomorrow, but here's what it looks like just after sunset.
Uluru (Ayers Rock)
End: YAYE, 1841; $5001.62 and 10gal

Total Distance Flown:  22,170 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $110,000