Saturday, November 9, 2013

#91 Atlanta

Start: KPCM, 0658; $10316.88 and 45gal

It's been nice to stay at home and relax for a few days, but time marches on. I'm heading out this morning with 3 Trinity Air passengers, bound for Fernandina Beach. I have no idea why this is one of the busiest airports in the FSE world, but it is.

End: 55J, 0855; $12399.03 and 45gal

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I'm now off to Fulton County in Georgia with 3 Business Charter passengers. We should get a good look at Atlanta just before final approach.
End: KFTY, 1156; $13997.43 and 24gal

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Rats! Although KFTY was the perfect destination for me to see Atlanta, there's not a single job here that the GlobeTrotter can carry. So, I'm flying empty to my next stop.

End: 9A5, 1246; $13997.43 and 19gal

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What a small world! I'd like to head towards Charlotte or Raleigh. Here's a Pearl Flight Charter passenger going to Charlotte. I've painted the livery for Pearl Flight Charter. Several degrees of connection!

I had planned on getting a few more gallons of fuel, just to be safe. But it turns out that Pearl Flight doesn't have any. I should be fine, but I'll try to be a little more economical on this last leg to Charlotte.

I'm now airborne, at my cruising altitude of 6,000ft, and I see that with 200 miles to go, my fuel range is 284 miles (a 16kt tailwind doesn't hurt!). I feel good!

v$10,000 to the bank here in the big financial district of Charlotte!

End: KCLT, 1453; $4831.73 and 5gal

Total Distance Flown:  54,116 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $230,000

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