Saturday, July 20, 2013

#18 The Pyrenees #19 Barcelona

Start: LFPY, 0645; $1055.86 and 45 gal

After the glory of Paris, I'm not sure what to expect. Today I'll zig-zag across France, heading southerly until I end up crossing the Pyrenees on my way to Barcelona.

I'm going to be ultra-serious today. I have filed an IFR flight plan (created with Plan-G), and have included intermediate VORs and NDBs so I'm never out of range, and therefore won't use the GPS for navigation (which is only used as a "moving map" anyway, since it's just a handheld unit). I'll be quite a bit busier than usual, switching to and from navigational beacons en route. My goal is to make it "as real as it gets". So, that means no time compression, either.

I'll also not take any shortcuts once I land. To be honest, I usually just pull off the runway and hit the parking brake, and then immediately taxi back to the runway and take-off again. But this time, I'll be getting ground clearance, taxing to gates or parking as appropriate, and doing everything "by the book".

By the way, another $10,000 deposit at the ATM today!

So, surprise number 1: soon after take-off, with my approved IFR plan and a cruise altitude of 3,000, the controller directs me to climb to 12,000! I request a decrease to 6,000 (seemed like a good compromise to me) and my request is denied! So, off we go into the wild blue yonder!

Surprise number 2: ten minutes into the flight, FSX crashes (it rarely does this on my machine)! I usually fly with the mini-panel, and I'm using the full cockpit this time. Otherwise, nothing's different. Just kismet, I guess! So, I restart FSX, retake-off, and get an altitude of 10,500 this time. Okay, I'll be a good boy.

Surprise number 3: In creating my flight plan, I selected NDBs rather than VORs, so most of my flight will have to be down manually rather than using the NAV function of the autopilot. Ick!

Surprise number 4: With three passengers and 45 gallons of fuel, I don't climb too good! I'm 25 minutes into the flight and I'm at 9500, still climbing to 10500. ATC has asked me to expedite my climb. Hey, I'm going as fast as I can!

Holy altitude, Batman! After 30 minutes of climbing, I'm just about at 10500. So, ATC calls and tells me to climb to 12000!! I'm at full throttle, climbing at 200 ft/min, and they want more!

As if that weren't enough, although the sky is crystal clear, the wind is blowing at 16 knots. Is it blowing the way I want to go? NO! I've got a nice crosswind to deal with.

Well, this may be the last straw. I'm flying along, happy as a clam, but I'm wondering when ATC is going to have me start descending so I can land. I'm only 20-some miles from the airport, and still way up there at 12,000 feet. It finally dawns on my that my IFR flight plan has my FINAL destination as Barcelona. I think FSX doesn't understand that the intermediate airports are stops, not just navigational points. So, I'm cancelling my IFR plan and descending rapidly. Once I land, I'll alter my flight plan to have only one airport at a time. I suppose this explains why I got assigned this altitude. ATC thought I was going 600 miles (a good trick in a Cessna Skyhawk with 3 passengers!).

To top it all off, as I'm lining up for my final approach, I can see something funny at the end of the runway (nearest to me). Someone planted a blasted tree!!
What a rotten place for a tree!
End: LFJB, 0842; $3182.56 and 33gal

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So much for ultra-realism. LFJB (as you can see above) turned out to be a single runway, with no taxiways, no buildings, no nuthin'! Still, I taxied to the end of the runway, and then turned around. I've off-loaded my passengers, and am taking on 3 new passengers. I've created a new IFR flight plan, and will use 2 VORs on my way to Limoges.

So far, it's smooth sailing. I picked up the signal from POI right after take-off, and the NAV system has me heading straight for it. I could get used to having the plane correct for wind drift all by itself!

Flying more realistically makes me appreciate pilots of small planes just that much more. It really is a lot of work to navigate and stay on course, juggling the NAV frequencies and vectors. Flying "the heavies" seems like more of a computer game -- just program your flight plan, and let the autopilot do the flying. But a little Cessna really makes you work for it!

End: LFBL, 1022; $4155.46 and 23gal

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I've exchanged my 3 passengers for 3 different charter passengers, going to Lourdes. I've filed my next flight plan, and things are going pretty smoothly. I'm still getting used to having my next NAV point be far enough away that I don't currently receive the signal, so have to fly "from" my previous point, or just use dead reckoning. The GPS has really spoiled me, even when it's not "built in" to the navigation system of the plane; with a GPS, it's not too much different than driving a car (but with fewer turns!).

Really nice scenery as I fly over Bordeaux and Aquitaine. But, from what I've seen so far, much of Europe is composed of this nice, gently rolling farmland scenery. It looks really good, but it seems like it could use more variety. In the distance, though, I can see the Pyrenees (which I'll have to cross over soon enough).
French farmland, with the Pyrenees on the horizon.
End: LFBT, 1251; $4920.69 and 27gal

Well, I'm in Lourdes and it's lunchtime. Guess I'd better grab something to eat, and some of that special water! No passengers on my next flight (just 140kg of fuel), so my schedule's a bit more flexible.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm heading to Barcelona, so after a fantastic trip over the Pyrenees, I'm expecting some good shots of the city.

The Pyrenees themselves are stunning. 2-D photos really don't do it justice, and the 3-D effect is quite believable.
Crossing the Pyrenees
As I get closer to Barcelona, I cancel my IFR flight plan, so I can detour and see the city before heading for the airport. From 20 miles away and 6,000 feet up, it just looks like a large tan spot! Turns out, that's just the undeveloped "back side" of the terrain to the northwest of Barcelona.

Barcelona turns out to be nice enough, but after some of the spectacular cities I've just visisted it's a little tame. It's funny how the most noticable buildings from the air are churches and football stadiums.

Barcelona is beige?!

Downtown Barcelona
End: LEBL, 1515; $5338.29 and 15gal

Total Distance Flown: 5,897 nautical miles (plus 6,333 miles to get to Europe, and 1,771 touring the UK)
Grand Total: 14,001 nautical miles so far!

Friday, July 19, 2013

#17 Paris

Start: LFOB, 0748; $9476.47 and 14gal

This is one of the biggies -- Paris! Today's flight plan goes no farther, except that I'm taking 3 JetStar passengers to Bretigny-sur-Orge, just south of Paris. But I'll be spending a lot of time circling and taking photos!

WOW! Put Paris right up there with London and St. Petersburg. Sixty-eight photos, and I'm marveling at the detail and the realism. I actually feel (somewhat) like I've really been to Paris (which, sadly, I haven't).

I wish I could share all the good photos with you. I wish I knew more about the landmarks I photographed, so I could tell you all about them. But, I think I'll just let them speak for themselves.

Basilique du Sacre Coeur de Montmartre (Basilica of the Sacred Heart)

Arc de Trimophe, and La Defense in the background

The requisite Eiffel tower shot

The Louvre (see the pyramid?)

The Pantheon

Cathédrale Notre Dame de Paris
End: LFPY, 0837; $11404.27 and 10 gal

Total Distance Flown: 5,304 nautical miles (plus 6,333 miles to get to Europe, and 1,771 touring the UK)
Grand Total: 13,408 nautical miles so far!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

#16 Brussels

Start: EBAW, 0853; $8996.97 and 24gal

I'd like to take some time and explore Belgium. I'd especially like to wallow in a vat of Belgian chocolate! Alas, the virtual experience leaves something to be desired. So, instead I'm taking on 2 Government Charter passengers, and leaving Belgium for France. Before I do, I'll fly over Brussels.

On approach, Brussels looks similar to Rotterdam -- flat terrain, with a few tall buildings visible. But somehow it gives the strong impression of tall buildings set in the middle of farmland. Then, suddenly, there's this large model of a salt molecule! Turns out this is "Atomium", built for the 1958 World's Fair. I'm impressed that this is present in FSX, and glad that I was lucky enough to find it.
The Atomium
Nice church; rural city!

The Main Square is called both la Grand Place and de Grote Markt.
And finally, just because I finally got a good landing shot, here's a landing shot!
Gonna be a good landing!
End: LFOB, 1029; $9676.47 and 14gal

Total Distance Flown: 5,248 nautical miles

#15 Rotterdam

Start: EHAM, 0752; $8403.87 and 29gal

The countries are getting smaller and closer together, so today will be a much shorter flight. To start, I have 2 Pudgy Penguins going to Valkenburg Navy Base. Why? Don't ask, don't tell!

This short little 15 mile hop sets me up for traveling south to Belgium and then on to France.

End: EHVB, 0803; $8906.97 and 28gal

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I'm now bound for Deurne (just outside Antwerp) in Belgium with 100kg of supplies. A very slight detour allows me to see Rotterdam along the way. Once again, I've got really great weather for sightseeing. Although I've had one or two rain showers on this tour so far, I'm quite surprised that I haven't had to "fiddle" with the weather (I'm using real-world weather, updated every 15 minutes). If I was visiting Europe for real, I'm sure it wouldn't be so cooperative!

Approaching Rotterdam, things look encouraging. There are a number of tall buildings on the horizon, and the ever-present football stadium. And because the Netherlands is so flat, I can get quite low without worrying about terrain!
Approaching Rotterdam
Rotterdam details
There are nice details rendered in Rotterdam. Several bridges which are quite intricate (and a cruise ship was docked while I was there, too), and the buildings are clearly custom-built. A worthwhile detour -- presented better than Amsterdam.

End: EBAW, 0848; $8996.97 and 24gal

I'll be continuing on today to my next destination, Brussels.

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

#14 Amsterdam

Although this is a separate entry, it's the same flight and the same day as #8. But Amsterdam is a different city, in a different country, so I'm entering it separately!

Start: EDDV, 1346; $7633.67 and 45gal

I've got 3 Private Shuttle passengers going to Twenthe airbase, so apparently I'm a private shuttle! Nothing notable to see on this leg -- it's just taking me further west in Germany.

End: EHTW, 1457; $8603.87 and 37gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm so close to Amsterdam, but I can't find a reasonable FSE path to get there. So, I'm just gonna go by myself!

Although Amsterdam did have several custom objects, it wasn't one of the better detailed cities in FSX. Schiphol airport, however, was quite nice.
Amsterdam (apparently)
Schiphol Airport (EHAM)
End: EHAM, 1614; $8603.87 and 29gal

Total Distance Flown: 5,034 nautical miles

#13 Berlin

Start: LKPD, 0649; $2881.93 and 11gal

Another $10,000 to the bank. Apparently, it's not hard to make a living flying for FSE!

My first flight this morning is taking 141kg of newspapers and mail to Touzim (still in the Czech Republic). It's 108 miles, and I've got enough gas for approximately 110 miles. That's cutting it awfully close, but fuel is much more affordable in Touzim, so (since it's just a simulator!), I'm going to risk it.

On this leg, I'll be flying over Prague. It's not on the list of "high-detail cities", but I'm so close I just can't resist. Turns out, while it's a perfectly nice looking city, I suspect it doesn't bear much resemblance to the real Prague. I've heard how nice Prague is; in FSX, it's nothing special.
Generic Prague
Don't know what I was so worried about. I landed with 3 whole gallons of fuel left! Guess it's time to "top off", since I'm picking up 3 SFL Spree Flug passengers (whatever an SFL Spree Flug is!).

End: LKTO, 0801; $3050.73 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've got a nearly full tank, and 3 Spree Fluggers on-board. It's a 2 hour flight to Cottbus-Drewitz in Germany, with no remarkable sights expected, so I'll just fly us straight there as efficiently as possible. The sky is clear and the winds are light, but shifting unpredictably, so I imagine I'll have to concentrate on frequent small course changes to stay pointed in the right direction.

End: EDCD, 0927; $5407.83 and 31gal

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Well, you gotta love those Spree Fluggers. They're a bit loud and rowdy, but they pay well! So, I've got 3 more Spree Flug passengers, this time going to Stendal-Borstal (another place in Germany I've never heard of). We'll be flying over Berlin (which I have heard of) on this leg, and since it's on the detailed city list, I'm expecting to be impressed.

Diverting for a low-level aerial tour of Berlin was more fun for me than the locals, but they didn't mind. The scenery was pretty good, with a number of unique structures (several of which turned out to be hotels!) and landmarks. Easiest to identify? The one with the big Mercedes-Benz log on top!
Ich bin ein Berliner!
I guess I got distracted by the sightseeing in Berlin, because this was not my best landing ever. I was way to high on final approach, so had to "dive" pretty steeply. Not a deal breaker, but I touched down at just over 75 knots (pretty hot for a Cessna!). But, any landing you can walk away from...!

End: EDOV, 1051; $7721.73 and 26gal

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I just can't find anyone going my way, so I'm empty this trip. Still heading west, this time I'll be heading to Hannover to pick up my next load of passengers. I'm hoping they're not in any big hurry to leave, because I'm wanting some lunch, and I'm hoping I don't have to eat it at the airport!

End: EDDV, 1144; $7721.73 and 21gal

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Onwards and Upwards

Start: UKLR, 0634; $8895.11 and 26gal

Another traveling day, with no planned sights. Basically, I'm heading for Berlin. If I can find an interesting stop, I'll make it. Otherwise, I'll head there as directly as FSE will allow. I will make a very slight detour to over-fly Warsaw, but I'm expecting it to be a generic FSX city. I'll also get to see Krakow, which I'm expecting to look just like Warsaw! But maybe FSX will surprise me!

My first leg is taking 232kg of canned goods to Brest in Belarus. Another day, another flag!

This is a very routine flight. The ground beneath is flat, the sky is fairly clear. There are a few summer thunderstorms, but they always seem to be just beyond reach. The Brest runway is within 10 degrees of my flight path; with a light crosswind, I'm down with no difficulties.

End: UMBB, 0802; $9454.03 and 45gal

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I trade my canned goods for 3 Shuttle Service passengers, and we're off to Plock in Poland. We'll pass over Warsaw on our way, so I hope the weather holds for us.

Alas, it was not to be. The sky cleared nicely, but ground fog thickened. By the time we got to Warsaw, it looked like a blizzard!
Is this Warsaw or San Francisco?!
The dense fog continued all the way to Plock. By using the GPS, I knew I was headed in the right direction. At about 700 feet AGL, I could at least see the clearing that contained the strip. I got as low and slow as I could, and there it was -- a slight change in the coloration of the surrounding field. Back the throttle to idle, float down, and there you go!

End: EPPL, 0950; $10432.33 and 33gal

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Three private passengers bound for Krakow. I'm afraid Krakow will look a lot like Warsaw, so this leg is mostly just to take me south to pick up my next job. And, as I approach Krakow, it's starting to rain. Time to get back on the ground....

End: EPKK, 1142; $11767.93 and 22gal

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Well, although my route is quite erratic, I'm going where I want to go, and I'm finding plenty of jobs along the way. I've actually made nearly $32,000 so far, so perhaps I shouldn't be quite so obsessive about going where the jobs take me. I can afford to fly more directly, even if it means I'm empty.

My last leg today is to take 2 JetStar passengers to Pardubice in the Czech Republic. This works just fine for me -- it's going east, and takes me quite close to Prague. Plus, it gets me another flag!

I'm getting a little low on fuel, but I'm going to go ahead and press on. That will give me more time to tour around. With the rain starting up again, I'll fly this last leg IFR. I could use the practice, and I don't want to waste time dealing with weather delays. Maybe I'll even rent a car and drive to Prague (because I don't think it will be much to look at from the air in FSX).

End: LKPD, 1334; $13081.93 and 11gal

Total Distance Flown: 4,411 nautical miles

Monday, July 15, 2013

Moving On

Start: UUEE, 0823; $4357.13 and 18gal

Another day of "just traveling". The next city to visit is Berlin, and I'm not aware of any spectacular sights between here and there. So, I'll just see where FSE takes me.

Turns out, the answer is: Ukraine. I've got four hops to accomplish today, plus some thinkin'. I've been considering the overall route I plan to take, and deciding what sights to see. I have seen lists containing 38 to 78 "detailed cities" in FSX. Perhaps I should visit them all? So far, I've visited two underwhelming detailed cities, so I'm starting to suspect that the correct number is closer to 38.

Anyway, I've got 291kg of canned goods that need to go to Tula, so I'm off!

End: UUWV, 0943; $4930.67 and 45gal

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Just a quick stop to re-fuel, unload my cargo and pick up 3 corporate charter passengers heading to Kursk (sorta sounds Klingon, doesn't it?!). Weather is still pretty marginal; overcast and light rain. I really have no business flying VFR today, but it's been working out okay so far, and about 20 miles from Vostochny airport things clear up quite nicely.

End: UUOK, 1143; $6542.82 and 32gal

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After this very brief stop, I grab a quick vending machine lunch and exchange my 3 passengers for 1 Air Taxi passenger headed for Zhuliany in the Ukraine.

Well, turns out lunch wasn't such a good idea -- although there was no rain, we had thunder and lightening all the way, with rapidly shifting winds and lots of turbulence. Glad to be back on the ground, if only temporarily.

End: UUKK, 1436; $7340.11 and 40gal

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My last leg for today (which is turning out to be a very long day, with all this turbulence). I've got 3 TA charter passengers going to Rivne (still in Ukraine).

End: UKLR, 1543; $9095.11 and 26gal

Total Distance Flown: 3,809 nautical miles