Wednesday, October 23, 2013

#86 Mexico City

Start: MMMX, 0809; $7906.54 and 45gal

Got here very late last night, so no photos until this morning. I'll be starting a very long journey. My next destination is Sao Paulo, Brazil (4000-some miles away!), and I'm planning to fly over Machu Pichu on the way (if I decide to get Aerosoft's Cuzco scenery). So, I'll just head southeast, going where FSE takes me, 4 or 5 legs at a time.

To begin, I will take 3 Private Shuttle passengers east to Jalapa. With 3 passengers and a full load of fuel, the climb to 12,000ft is going to be labored! But first I'll get a tour of Mexico City (which, on a side note, was complex enough that it brought my system down to about 4fps)....
Mexico City
End: MMJA, 1001; $9177.34 and 33gal

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I've unloaded my passengers, and am now taking on 3 Excalibur passengers, going to Minatitlan. I for one will be happy to leave the high altitudes behind for a while. Of course, I have to temper that against the fact that I'm now facing a 22kt headwind. Suddenly, severe turbulence, and then I've got a 24kt tailwind. Good thing I haven't had lunch yet!

End: MMMT, 1207; $11480.24 and 45gal

Boy, they really gouge you for the fuel here!

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Now this is a little better! Those first two hops were rather short. But this time I'm going 460 miles to Comayagua in Honduras, with 3 Military Charter passengers.

Wow, southeastern Mexico is gorgeous! More and more, I'm glad I upgraded to FS Genesis 2010. I wonder how much better the new "Extreme" version are?
Mountainous Mexican sunset
End: MHSC, 1850; $14645.96 and 40gal

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To end up the day, I have 1 "La Ruta (MHSC)" passenger going to San Jose in Costa Rica. I'm really looking forward to exploring the scenery of this lush, rainforested country, but that will have to wait until tomorrow.

End: MROC, 2233; $15503.66 and 15gal

Total Distance Flown:  45,275 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $190,000

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