Sunday, October 27, 2013

East to Brazil

Start: SPZO, 0706; $3687.43 and 20gal

Life at the top of the world is good -- another $10,000 to the bank!

This morning I'm taking 1 Frontier passenger to Juliaca. Overall, my goal is to head east across Bolivia until I make it to Brazil.

End: SPJL, 0916; $4383.99 and 35gal

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As wonderful as Cuzco airport is (mostly because of the Aerosoft scenery), I don't understand why it's known as the highest commercial airport in the world. It's at 10,808ft; Here at Manco Capac International in Juliaca, I'm sitting on the taxiway at 12,552ft! And let me tell you, climbing to 16,500 in my little Cessna is quite the adventure (not to mention not possible in real life)!

I am really pushing the envelope now -- I've got to climb to 15,000ft, and I've got 2 Tower Leasing Clients and 35 gallons of fuel on-board. If I make over this last mountain range, I've got smooth sailing the rest of the day. Wish me luck!
Pushing the GlobeTrotter past her capabilities
I can see why flight was not invented in Peru -- those mountains are killers! But, with a fairly large dose of luck, I managed to clear them (sometimes by as little as 600ft!). I'm now into the plains of Bolivia, and should have easy flights (down where there's enough oxygen to breathe!) for the rest of the day.

End: SLTR, 1304; $6025.60 and 27gal

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I felt like getting out and kissing the ground, but I didn't think that would make a very good impression in front of my passengers. Plus I've not got 3 new ones -- Tower Leasing Clients going to Santa Cruz.

End: SLVR, 1522; $8365.44 and 54gal

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Well, that's a little disappointing. I had a nice cargo job all lined up, but by the time I got there, it has already left! So, I'm here in Santa Cruz, with no likely prospects. So, I guess I'll have to check with the Charter office and see what else I can find.

There's nothing from Viru Viru, but if I hop 10 miles south, I can get a job going halfway to Sao Paulo! I'm on it!

End: SLET, 1537; $8365.44 and 52gal

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This will be a long last leg, but it takes me in exactly the direction I want to go! I have 2 Randon Air passengers, going 626 miles to Fazenda San Marino in Brazil. No time like the present, so off we go!

It's a long haul to a small airport, so I'm going to stop at the nearby Campo Grande Int'l airport for fuel before completing my trip. I'm not sure if I'll find a suitable job at the small Fazenda airstrip, so I'm going to gas up in preparation for heading to Sao Paulo on my own. There are quite a few airstrips here in Brazil with no fuel.

Stop-over: SBCG, 2203; $8197.33 and 54gal

End: SSSF, 2338; $9696.43 and 44gal

Total Distance Flown:  48,640 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $210,000

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