Thursday, October 24, 2013

To South America

Start: MROC, 0657; $5260.41 and 27gal

Another v$10,000 deposit in the bank -- what a great way to start the day (which started a bit too early because the blasted monkeys started howling!).

Luckily, my passenger was an early-riser, too, and was actually waiting for me when I got to the airport. So, a quick pre-flight, a little more gas in the tank, and I'm ready to go. We'll be heading to Panama on this leg; makes me wish I had some Central and South America scenery installed. But I don't think I'll be flying in this part of the world very much, so I can't justify the expense....
Climbing in Costa Rica!
End: MPDA, 0843; $5952.22 and 45gal

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Well, so much for Panama. I'll still get to see it from the air, but this leg will take me all the way to Columbia. I'm not crazy about landing in Columbia, but I don't have much choice. Plus, I don't intend to leave the airport grounds. For now, I've got 2 La Ruta passengers, going to Carepa.

End: SKLC, 1242; $7567.07 and 45gal

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Skirting the west coast of Columbia, I will now be taking 3 La Ruta passengers to Guapi. And for the record, as I expected and hoped, Columbia and its people are lovely.

End: SKGP, 1647; $9762.18 and 30gal

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Not that I'm anti-social or anything, but I'm not unhappy that I'm done with passengers for the day. This next leg will have me take 116kg of Priority Courier material into Ecuador (specifically, Tarapoa). I'm glad it's not too heavy a load, because there's big mountains between here and there!

That was closer than I'd like -- I'm climbing steadily, but the hills are climbing faster! As the sun sets slowly in the west, I come within 800 ft of the summit. But, it was 800 ft ABOVE, so all is well!

End: SETR, 1853; $10360.65 and 44gal

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Last leg's a short little hop of 100 miles. I'm taking 235kg of canned goods with me to Tena. Since there's no fuel there, I tanked up before take-off.

As I get closer to Tena, I see what appears to another big mountain range in the distance (it's big and it's dark, so I assume it's a mountain!). Luckily, the airport I'm heading to lies in the foothills, so I won't have to climb it tonight.

End: SETE, 2015; $10942.65 and 34gal

Total Distance Flown:  46,371 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $200,000

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