Thursday, November 14, 2013

East to Iceland

Start: CYMX, 0632; $5805.46 and 54gal

I need to go to Iceland. It's a long way, but thanks to the miracle of FSX, I'm going to go for it! It will be pushing the GlobeTrotter to her limits, but according to Plan-G and my own calculations, I should be able to pull it off. It's just over 2,000 miles, and will take 17 hours of flying. But I am determined.

In order to do this, I am selecting destinations as far apart as possible, in as straight a line as possible. If FSE can provide a job, great; but I'm doing this, all by myself if I have to. First stop, Goose Bay, 700 miles to the northeast.

Once I pass 5500 ft, I find things are going my way -- notably, the wind. I have a 45kt crosswind, but it's coming from behind and to my left, so it's helping me along my way. With 672 miles to go, my fuel gauge tells me I've got an expected range of 835 miles!

As I land, I still have 11 gallons of fuel left -- gotta love helpful tailwinds!

End: CYYR, 1243; $5647.36 and 54gal

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Well, that's the way the cookie crumbles. My next destination is Narsarsuaq (say that three times fast!). Here at Goose Bay, there's an FSE job going there, too. But it's for 5 passengers -- too many for my little Cessna. So, as I take-off, I'll wave to them out the window!

It's only 4:30 in the afternoon, but this far north in November, it starts to get dark early!

End: BGBW, 1942; $5497.34 and 50gal

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One more long leg, and I'm in Iceland! It's been a long day, but it's only 7:30, and I'm excited to be getting near my final target. So, I'm going to keep on going.

After an all-too-exciting beginning (the terrain rises VERY steeply), I'm at my cruising altitude of 8,500ft and expect a smooth (and very dark) flight to Iceland.

End: BIKF, 0331; $5497.34 and 4gal

Whew, that was one long day! I'm going to the closest bed I can find. Then, in the morning, I'll put the last two flag decals (Greenland and Iceland) on the side!

Total Distance Flown:  58,058 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $240,000

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