Friday, November 1, 2013

Voyage to Venezuela, part II

Start: SWGN, 0626; $4875.89 and 35gal

It's a long way, but I am determined to get to Caracas today. But there are more planes than jobs from this little airport! So, I'm heading off empty for now. I'm in a good mood today though, because I'll make significant progress, and I put another v$10,000 in the bank!

End: SBHT, 1004; $4790.16 and 30gal

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For this leg I have 2 Gov't Charter passengers. We're going to Santarem, to the west.

End: SBSN, 1150; $5508.88 and 54gal

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Back to flying empty again. Am I the only one who wants to go to Caracas? This will be a fairly long leg, but it gets me where I want to go with no wasted time. Plus, there's a job waiting for me when I land.

End: SBBV, 1607; $5472.01 and 27gal

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I now have another 2 Gov't Charter passengers, going to Canaima here in Venezuela.

End: SVCN, 1841; $6866.61 and 11gal

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It's late, and I'm beat. But, one more leg will get me to Caracas, so I'm going for it. I'll fly IFR, since it's dark and I'm tired. Unfortunately, I'm tired enough that I didn't notice that Canaima airport has no fuel. So, there will be a stopover along the way....

Stopover: SV76, 1939; $6708.82 and 40gal

Wow, there are some big mountains very close to Caracas, and they're pretty hard to see in the dark. Good thing ATC was watching out for me!

End: SVMI, 2305; $6708.82 and 23gal

Total Distance Flown:  51,875 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $220,000

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