Monday, July 15, 2013

Moving On

Start: UUEE, 0823; $4357.13 and 18gal

Another day of "just traveling". The next city to visit is Berlin, and I'm not aware of any spectacular sights between here and there. So, I'll just see where FSE takes me.

Turns out, the answer is: Ukraine. I've got four hops to accomplish today, plus some thinkin'. I've been considering the overall route I plan to take, and deciding what sights to see. I have seen lists containing 38 to 78 "detailed cities" in FSX. Perhaps I should visit them all? So far, I've visited two underwhelming detailed cities, so I'm starting to suspect that the correct number is closer to 38.

Anyway, I've got 291kg of canned goods that need to go to Tula, so I'm off!

End: UUWV, 0943; $4930.67 and 45gal

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Just a quick stop to re-fuel, unload my cargo and pick up 3 corporate charter passengers heading to Kursk (sorta sounds Klingon, doesn't it?!). Weather is still pretty marginal; overcast and light rain. I really have no business flying VFR today, but it's been working out okay so far, and about 20 miles from Vostochny airport things clear up quite nicely.

End: UUOK, 1143; $6542.82 and 32gal

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After this very brief stop, I grab a quick vending machine lunch and exchange my 3 passengers for 1 Air Taxi passenger headed for Zhuliany in the Ukraine.

Well, turns out lunch wasn't such a good idea -- although there was no rain, we had thunder and lightening all the way, with rapidly shifting winds and lots of turbulence. Glad to be back on the ground, if only temporarily.

End: UUKK, 1436; $7340.11 and 40gal

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My last leg for today (which is turning out to be a very long day, with all this turbulence). I've got 3 TA charter passengers going to Rivne (still in Ukraine).

End: UKLR, 1543; $9095.11 and 26gal

Total Distance Flown: 3,809 nautical miles

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