Wednesday, July 17, 2013

#13 Berlin

Start: LKPD, 0649; $2881.93 and 11gal

Another $10,000 to the bank. Apparently, it's not hard to make a living flying for FSE!

My first flight this morning is taking 141kg of newspapers and mail to Touzim (still in the Czech Republic). It's 108 miles, and I've got enough gas for approximately 110 miles. That's cutting it awfully close, but fuel is much more affordable in Touzim, so (since it's just a simulator!), I'm going to risk it.

On this leg, I'll be flying over Prague. It's not on the list of "high-detail cities", but I'm so close I just can't resist. Turns out, while it's a perfectly nice looking city, I suspect it doesn't bear much resemblance to the real Prague. I've heard how nice Prague is; in FSX, it's nothing special.
Generic Prague
Don't know what I was so worried about. I landed with 3 whole gallons of fuel left! Guess it's time to "top off", since I'm picking up 3 SFL Spree Flug passengers (whatever an SFL Spree Flug is!).

End: LKTO, 0801; $3050.73 and 45gal

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I've got a nearly full tank, and 3 Spree Fluggers on-board. It's a 2 hour flight to Cottbus-Drewitz in Germany, with no remarkable sights expected, so I'll just fly us straight there as efficiently as possible. The sky is clear and the winds are light, but shifting unpredictably, so I imagine I'll have to concentrate on frequent small course changes to stay pointed in the right direction.

End: EDCD, 0927; $5407.83 and 31gal

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Well, you gotta love those Spree Fluggers. They're a bit loud and rowdy, but they pay well! So, I've got 3 more Spree Flug passengers, this time going to Stendal-Borstal (another place in Germany I've never heard of). We'll be flying over Berlin (which I have heard of) on this leg, and since it's on the detailed city list, I'm expecting to be impressed.

Diverting for a low-level aerial tour of Berlin was more fun for me than the locals, but they didn't mind. The scenery was pretty good, with a number of unique structures (several of which turned out to be hotels!) and landmarks. Easiest to identify? The one with the big Mercedes-Benz log on top!
Ich bin ein Berliner!
I guess I got distracted by the sightseeing in Berlin, because this was not my best landing ever. I was way to high on final approach, so had to "dive" pretty steeply. Not a deal breaker, but I touched down at just over 75 knots (pretty hot for a Cessna!). But, any landing you can walk away from...!

End: EDOV, 1051; $7721.73 and 26gal

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I just can't find anyone going my way, so I'm empty this trip. Still heading west, this time I'll be heading to Hannover to pick up my next load of passengers. I'm hoping they're not in any big hurry to leave, because I'm wanting some lunch, and I'm hoping I don't have to eat it at the airport!

End: EDDV, 1144; $7721.73 and 21gal

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