Friday, July 12, 2013

#12 Moscow

Start: ULLI, 0807; $2384.02 and 45gal

Well it doesn't get much easier than this. I'm at the St. Petersburg airport, after having a wonderful day soaking up St. Petersburg culture yesterday. The Hermitage was wonderful, and I managed to squeeze in a performance at the St. Petersburg Philharmonic last night. My plan is to head to Moscow. I know I'll need to do this carefully, since Moscow is probably still a bit leary of Cessnas anywhere near Red Square!

So, I check FSE for jobs, and I find several heading straight to Scheremetyevo! It's a bit over 3 hours, but it'll be a direct flight with no distractions or diversions.

The weather conditions are a bit iffy for VFR, but they give me take-off clearance and I zoom down the runway before they change their mind! Very dense clouds for the first hour, but then it clears up nicely. Very smooth and uneventful flight, which is just what I was looking for!

There must have been some Russians on Microsoft's graphics team -- Russian cities are excellent. Moscow is a very realistic large city. It starts with obviously residential suburbs, and the closer you get to the city center, the more dense and large the buildings get. Townhouses, apartment buildings, businesses and warehouses, all are apparent. And it's very haphazard, which seems very real to me. Any city that's existed for hundreds (if not a thousand or more) years is going to be disorganized and chaotic. And FSX's Moscow is.
Downtown Moscow
Also Moscow!
Flying OVER Red Square!
 End: UUEE, 1218; $4957.13 and 18gal

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I'll be staying in Moscow for a day or two -- there's just too much to see to do it in an afternoon. So, there won't be an update for a few days....

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