Thursday, July 18, 2013

#15 Rotterdam

Start: EHAM, 0752; $8403.87 and 29gal

The countries are getting smaller and closer together, so today will be a much shorter flight. To start, I have 2 Pudgy Penguins going to Valkenburg Navy Base. Why? Don't ask, don't tell!

This short little 15 mile hop sets me up for traveling south to Belgium and then on to France.

End: EHVB, 0803; $8906.97 and 28gal

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I'm now bound for Deurne (just outside Antwerp) in Belgium with 100kg of supplies. A very slight detour allows me to see Rotterdam along the way. Once again, I've got really great weather for sightseeing. Although I've had one or two rain showers on this tour so far, I'm quite surprised that I haven't had to "fiddle" with the weather (I'm using real-world weather, updated every 15 minutes). If I was visiting Europe for real, I'm sure it wouldn't be so cooperative!

Approaching Rotterdam, things look encouraging. There are a number of tall buildings on the horizon, and the ever-present football stadium. And because the Netherlands is so flat, I can get quite low without worrying about terrain!
Approaching Rotterdam
Rotterdam details
There are nice details rendered in Rotterdam. Several bridges which are quite intricate (and a cruise ship was docked while I was there, too), and the buildings are clearly custom-built. A worthwhile detour -- presented better than Amsterdam.

End: EBAW, 0848; $8996.97 and 24gal

I'll be continuing on today to my next destination, Brussels.

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