Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Good Morning Indonesia

Start: WSSS, 0827; $1830.92 and 39gal

The one good thing to come out of yesterday's marathon session -- another v$10,000 to the bank today!

I'm starting out this morning by taking 3 Corporate Charter passengers to Jambi, Indonesia. It's raining, and I'll be over water most of the time, so this will just be a direct flight with no sightseeing, once I leave Singapore. I do need some photos, since it was so late when I arrived last night.
Of course, I find the stadium first!
End: WIPA, 1049; $3499.11 and 54gal

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I'm pushing the envelope again! This leg is 589nm, which is farther than I should really go in a C172. But I couldn't resist this job, as it's going exactly the direction I need. And it's only 1 Air Taxi Passenger. So, I've gassed up fully, and go light on the throttle. And this time, I've actually planned ahead -- both my departure and arrival point have fuel available!

End: WIAR, 1758; $4317.50 and 40gal

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It's too bad it's so late. There must be some impressive mountains along my route, because ATC has assigned an altitude of 9,500ft. But it's so dark, I can't really see them. Glad I've got ATC to watch out for me! Of course, I exaggerate a little; I can see the mountains, vaguely. I'm still glad for ATC.

However, they've reach a new low with their frequent course juggling. I'm 80 miles from my destination, and they have me turning between 070 and 105 every few minutes. And after descending to 9,300, they've had me climb back to 12,000 (10,000ft AGL!). And they've just told me to climb to 15,000 -- in a Cessna 172, for crying out loud!! That's above my service ceiling, but FSX doesn't have a way for me to tell them that. It also doesn't have a way for me to curse, which is probably just as well.

So, although it's much too dark for VFR (in my opinion), I'm cancelling my IFR flight plan. Take that!

End: WRRA, 2139; $5933.00 and 16gal

Total Distance Flown:  18,935 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $100,000

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