Wednesday, August 21, 2013

East of Java

Start: WRRA, 0642; $5733.00 and 16gal

An easy (although early) start to the day, which should see me heading east all the way to the end of Indonesia, and perhaps into Australia. To begin, I'm taking my favorite passenger (297kg of canned goods!) to Bima. I'm pretty sure this is the heaviest load I've hauled, so we'll see how the Trotter handles.

Perhaps it's thanks to UTX and its improved mesh, but there is some rugged beautiful terrain in southeast Indonesia.
Beautiful scenery
End: WADB, 0844; $6640.52 and 45gal

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The cans have been unloaded, and I'm taking on a Priority Courier package -- it's kind of a big one at 116kg.

Gorgeous South Pacific scenery, with the water that unique shade of aquamarine.
It's so blue!
End: WATE, 1207; $7351.52 and 29gal

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Another landing, another cargo switch. This time, I've got 103kg of Priority Mail bound for Mali (the city, not the country!).

End: WATM, 1446; $7992.52 and 11gal

What's up with this airport?! Actually, I know that this is primarily an FSX quirk -- runway's must be completely flat, and if humans don't do it, FSX will excavate to make it so. Which means you occasionally get an airport in a big hole, like this one. Glad I decided to circle around and approach from the west!
That's quite a sinkhole!

I had planned to continue on today, but since I've had several long days recently, I've come up against the FSE 30/48 rule (you may only fly 30 hours in any 48 hour period). So, I'm going to spend a day relaxing in Mali, Indonesia, and I'll finish my jobs tomorrow.

Total Distance Flown:  19,445 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $100,000

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