Thursday, August 22, 2013

Goin' Down Unda

Start:  WATM, 0949; $7792.52 and 11gal

Well, I think this is a first. This is the first day I haven't had to stick a new flag onto the side of the Globe Trotter. I started yesterday in Indonesia, and I ended still in Indonesia! So, to make up for it, I've got a good long flight today!

I've finally got someone to talk to (assuming they speak English)! This leg has me taking 3 Passengers 61 miles to Dili. A pretty short hop, but there's another job there waiting for me.

End: WPDL, 1035; $8246.81 and 25gal

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I now have a single Private Shuttle passenger going to El Tari in Kupang. A little out of my way, but don't worry, it will be worth it!

End: WATT, 1221; $8514.54 and 45gal

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Okay, this is the one I've been waiting for. I am now within striking distance of Australia. It's a bit of a stretch, but there's a Night Club Hottie who wants to go 649nm to Balgo Hill in Western Australia. How can I refuse? So, I've gassed up, and I'm ready to go!

After parking near the gate and picking up my next job, I find that I am still excited about getting to Australia later today. But I'm not as excited with my passenger....

So, it's a big ocean (actually, it's the Timor Sea), so I'm going to file and fly IFR. I should be fine (right now I've got a 21kt tail-wind), but you never know.
That's a lot of water!
Turned out to be a very smooth flight (tail-wind stayed with me, but slowly tapered off to 6kt). And Dennis wasn't such a bad guy after all! He just needs a better wardrobe and haircut.

End: YBGO, 1915; $9391.14 and 7gal

Total Distance Flown:  20,301 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $100,000

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