Sunday, September 29, 2013

#59 Hong Kong, at last!

Start:  RPVI, 0602; $6752.42 and 35gal

Another day, another v$10,000 in the bank!

Today, though, is a very special day; one long in the making. Today I am going to see Hong Kong! I'll start off, near the crack of dawn, by taking 1 Corporate VIP to Clark International in Angeles City.

Some thunderstorms off to the east, and some mountainous terrain to dodge, but overall a smooth, easy flight. I'm giving it a little more gas today to speed things along. I'm really hoping to get to Hong Kong before the sun goes down -- after seven days of travel, I want some good photos!

End: RPLC, 0931; $8456.25 and 45gal

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A quick turnaround -- I've loaded my 3 Business Charter passengers, and I've fueled up to the max (for my full payload), because I've got a long leg this time; 498 miles to Chiayi Aero in Taiwan.

End: RCKU, 1303; $10839.29 and 45gal

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Okay, here's the leg we've all been waiting for! I've got 1 Corporate VIP. He's going to Baiyun in Guangzhou, China. But on the way, he's going to get a nice aerial tour of Hong Kong! It's already 1:00 in the afternoon, so I'd better get a move on -- I'm burning daylight!

Looks like I timed it amazingly well. It's 5:00pm, and I'm approaching Hong Kong. Now THIS is a city; there's so much to look at, I don't know where to head first!
Hong Kong, filling the horizon

Looking north
Looking southeast
Wow, I take back all the complaining I've done over the past week or so -- Hong Kong was definitely worth the wait! But, I must be on my way, and it's getting dark, so I'd best file an IFR plan to follow from here on out.
Time to say goodbye
UFO sighting?
End: ZGGG, 1803; $10751.69 and 10gal

Total Distance Flown:  32,753 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $150,000

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