Friday, October 4, 2013

#62 Beijing (sort of)

Start: ZSSS, 0842; $7500.77 and 54gal

I've looked and looked, but there just aren't jobs going the way I need to go. So, I'm going to fly empty to my next destination; Yaoqiang, 238 miles away. From there I'll have paying passengers the rest of the way, so thing will work out just fine.

End: ZSJN, 1203; $7500.77 and 24gal

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I'll now be taking 3 Private Shuttle passengers north to Binhai in Tianjin, just over an hour from here. It's awfully overcast (I'm a little surprised that I'm getting the okay to fly VFR), which might make for disappointing photos of Beijing. We'll just see if things clear up....

Well, 18 miles from Tianjin, the skies above are a beautiful turquiose. But below is pretty heavily fogged. I request a landing, and am told the airport is IFR. So, I'll quickly file an IFR plan, because my passengers want to land!

End: ZBTJ, 1353; $8585.17 and 45gal

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A bit surprising, but there's no fuel in Beijing! So, I gassed up to the limit before taking off. I've exchange my 3 passengers for 3 others; this time, 3 Private Shuttle passengers going along with me to Beijing. With this fog, I may not get any decent photos until tomorrow morning though...
Beijing is fogged in
Busy Beijing airport
End: ZBAA, 1503; $9283.58 and 37gal

This is the first time in this entire trip that weather prevent my planned photo shoot. With over 34,000 nautical miles covered, I think that's pretty good!

Total Distance Flown:  34,404 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $160,000

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