Tuesday, October 1, 2013

#60 Taipei

Start: ZGGG, 0946; $10479.51 and 30gal

Although I've already been to Taiwan, it was just an intermediate stop, and I didn't get far enough north to see Taipei. So, today I'm going to correct that oversight. I'll be taking 270 kg of Cargo to Shang Yi in Chin Men (just off the coast of mainland China) to start off. This leg will be IFR, just for the practice.

End: RCBS, 1301; $11819.95 and 25gal

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Now I've got 3 JAL Shang Yi passengers, heading for Taoyuan. This leg will be VFR, because I'm going to pass my destination for an over-fly of Taipei, before heading back for a landing.
Downtown Taipei
Sprawling Taipei
End: RCGM, 1630; $13574.05 and 7gal

Total Distance Flown:  33,232 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $150,000

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