Thursday, October 3, 2013

Bali Hai? No, #61 Shanghai

Start: RCGM, 0932; $3243.89 and 40gal

First things first: a quick trip to the nearest Taiwanese ATM, to deposit another v$10,000.

Well, I'm starting to go in circles! I've searched for quite a while to find an efficient way to get to Shanghai from here, and there just isn't one. But I finally found a direct flight to Shanghai from Chiayi. Not that it's such a huge sin, but I was at Chiayi Aero just yesterday! Oh well.

So, I'll be taking 1 JAL passenger, 1 USMC Officer and 1 Chiayi passenger back to Chiayi. And it turns out, I'll be taking them there through a 36kt headwind! Probably would have been quicker to drive.

End: RCKU, 1127; $5472.45 and 45gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've gassed up to the limit, because I've got 467 miles to go on this leg (plus a little detour for a Shanghai photo shoot). I'm taking 3 Business Charter passengers to Hongqiao, and I'm hoping that headwind turns into a tailwind (which it should, since I'm now going the other direction!).
Scary dark clouds; perhaps not so good for sightseeing?
I wonder if I should thread the needle?
Did I, or didn't I? (I didn't!)
End: ZSSS, 1636; $7855.65 and 12gal

Total Distance Flown:  33,804 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $160,000

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