Saturday, September 28, 2013

Heading to Hong Kong, part VI

Start:  WA0A, 0801; $8525.95 and 30gal

Another day of island hopping. FSE did a very well at providing jobs going the right way, so I'll be full all day today. To start things off, I've got 3 Mainland Charter passengers going to Pitu in Morotai.

End: WAMR, 1053; $10652.31 and 30gal

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Geez, I hate it when the local FBO is out of fuel! Luckily, the local market isn't -- I'm not crazy about their prices, but it beats swimming the last hundred miles!

I now have 3 Pitu Charter passengers, and we'll be going to Naha! It's gotten pretty foggy, so I guess I'd better file an IFR plan for this leg. I sure hope the controllers leave me alone and just let me fly my route.

End: WAMH, 1317; $13063.46 and 30gal

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Different leg, but it feels the same. I've got 3 Group Charter passengers, and we're heading for another island destination. This time it's Cotabato, in the Philippines. At least I'll get another flag sticker for the GlobeTrotter!

End: RPMC, 1559; $14638.33 and 35gal

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For today's final leg, I'm taking 3 Corporate Charter passengers north to Iloilo. Sounds rather Hawaiian to me!

End: RPVI, 1856; $17036.83 and 15gal

Total Distance Flown:  31,533 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $140,000

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