Saturday, August 17, 2013

I'm a travelin' man

Start: VNKT, 1001; $12005.71 and 40gal

After the exilaration of yesterday's flight (or maybe it's just the bracing Himalayan air), I slept in quite late this morning, so am getting a late start. No big plans today; just a few jobs heading southeast. I'm starting out with 1 Corporate VIP heading to Hashimara, India.

These ATC folks are getting on my nerves. I've checked the charts -- an altitude of 11,500 should be just fine. That's what I file for. But it doesn't take too long for them to tell me to climb to 14,000. Okay, fine, up I go. I'm not climbing fast, but it's the best my little plane can do. Soon, they're pestering me every few minutes to "expedite my climb to 14,000". I'm right at stall speed, with the throttle pushed into the firewall. What more do they expect me to do -- open the windows and flap my arms?! Eventually, I cancel my IFR plan, and calmly climb on my own to 13,500. Then I re-open my IFR plan. All is well for about 2 minutes. Then ATC tells me to descend to 10,000. I figure I'm past the biggest peaks, so I follow their instructions. They holler for me to "expedite my descent". Sheesh. No sooner do I reach 10,000 then they tell me to climb to 13,000!! What is with these jokers?! I think the altitude has effected their brains!

Awfully nice scenery out the left windows, though. One of these peaks is Everest. I just don't know which one!
I guess Everest is the big one?!
End: VE0T, 1249, $13346.81 and 24gal

I knew I was getting close to my 100-hour checkup, and I wasn't sure where I'd get it done (particularly in southeast Asia). It turns out that little Hashimara has a very reasonable price, so I'm going to have it done right here, right now. My next job is 234kg of newspapers and mail, so they don't mind waiting while I eat my lunch and have the Globe Trotter serviced.

I'll also take this opportunity to top-off the fuel tank, since the rest of today's stops don't have any.

Now: VE0T, 1346, $11928.70 and 44gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nothing noteworthy on this leg; just me and some mail bags. The ATC guys are still with it, but not to such a great extent. I'm flying along at 4000, and they have me climb to 4700. Okay, maybe there's some local terrain I don't know about? But then, 5 minutes later, I'm ordered back down to 4000. I no sooner get there, and it's back to 4700 again. What is their problem?

I'm then switched to Calcutta center. After two more cycles of 4000 / 4700 / 4000 / 4700, I cancel my IFR plan. Who needs this headache?

End: VEKM, 1717; $13086.75 and 27gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Last leg of the day is taking 122kg of fuel cans to Kyauktu in Myanmar. I'm reluctant to let the ATC guys have their way with me yet again, but I'm sure it's going to be dark before I land, so I guess I'd better.

En route, the clouds really thicken up, and thunder starts to sound. Plus, the sun's about to set. Looks like IFR was a good idea!

End: VYKU, 1947; $14292.75 and 11gal

Total Distance Flown:  16,321 nautical miles

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