Tuesday, August 13, 2013

#46 Riyadh #47 Dubai

Start: OEJN, 0706; $9756.14 and 45gal

This is going to be another long day -- a little over 1,000 nm. But I'm eager to get across the Arabian Peninsula, and I found a pretty decent path that will take me to Riyadh and Dubai. I'm starting this morning with 3 Business Charter passengers, headed for Al Kharj (sounds Klingon to me!).

As I mentioned yesterday, I decided to take another look at Mecca. In the light of day, my opinion hasnt' changed. I expected a fascinating and ancient city, filled with unique and ornate architecture. Instead, I got a perfectly generic, modern city, with one large mosque-like building. Very disappointing.
Mecca in the daytime -- doesn't look much different.
Boy, there's a lot of featureless desert between Mecca and Riyadh. And it's difficult to judge distances and heights. I hadn't realized how much I've come to depend upon judging the size of the trees to tell how close I am to the ground. But when it's nothing but tan sand dunes, it's tough to tell! Soon the clouds burn off, and the view out the window just looks like one big attitude indicator! But after about 4 hours, something looms on the horizon. That something turns out to be Riyadh (which is what I was aiming for!). But it was a real let down. Even less "Saudi" than Mecca. Very flat, very generic and suburban in appearance, with 3 unique buildings right next to the airport (one really looks like the control tower, but it isn't!). So much for that.
Riyadh's custom buildings -- 2 out of 3 ain't bad
End: OE47, 1355; $12351.67 and 27gal

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After a quick stop for a vending machine lunch (and to be honest, I was glad to get that -- this is a small airstrip on the outskirts of a small town in Saudi Arabia!), I've loaded my 3 Corporate Charter passengers, and I'm off for a direct flight to my next destination (King Abdulaziz Airbase on the eastern seaboard), with plenty of nothing between here and there.

End: OEDR, 1647; $14094.22 and 45gal

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After a smooth and fairly tedious flight, I've now got 3 I.A.S. Passengers and we're heading for Ras Al Khaimah in the UAE. Just before setting up my approach to that airport, we'll overfly Dubai (my next detailed city target).

En route, I'm over the Persian Gulf and am again reminded that the sun sets early in these parts. It's 6:00pm, and getting dark. So, my Dubai photos will highlight the GEX night lighting effects (and they look pretty good!).
The Dubai skyline
After my photo-shooting detour, I quickly file an IFR flight plan. I can see why a number of pilots suggest that all flights after dark be IFR. Once you get away from the bright lights of Dubai, it gets DARK! And after nearly 12 hours of flying, I'm tired and ready to hit the hay.
By the light of the silvery moon...
End: OMRK, 2037; $15940.12 and 22gal

Total Distance Flown:  13,779 nautical miles

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