Sunday, August 11, 2013

#43 Cairo #44 The Pyramids

Start: LLBG, 0654; $4154.69 and 24gal

After a wonderful week touring around Israel with my friend (and another v$10,000 bank deposit), it's time to move on. Despite the local unrest, I am really looking forward to seeing the Pyramids and Cairo. And to make things easy, FSE has provided me with a direct flight. This morning, I have 3 "pasajeros" going to Cairo West.

Couldn't ask for a better start. I got taxi and take-off clearance immediately, the sky is clear, and I'm soon sailing over the sea at 4,500 feet heading straight for the Pyramids, a little over 2 hours away. My pasajeros don't speak much English, so I guess I'll have some quiet "me time".

Suddenly, some green appears in the desert. Next, I see an airport. This must be Cairo! Sure enough, a second airport, and buildings are visible. A nicely rendered city, Cairo definitely tends towards the beige and tan end of the spectrum (as it should). More modern than I expected (more skyscrapers and fewer mosques), but clearly not European. And, there, on the horizon, I see the Pyramids. And they are spectacular!
The Pyramids at Giza
End: HECW, 0959; $6668.39 and 6gal

Total Distance Flown:  11,778 nautical miles

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