Thursday, August 15, 2013

#48 Garage Mahal

Start: OPKC, 0807; $5327.94 and 45gal

[So, I've done some research, and according to, the Cessna 172 Skyhawk has a range of 575nm. Adding back in the 45 minute safety margin that figure includes gives an absolute maximum range of approximately 650nm. I examined my aircraft.cfg file, and had a Fuel_Flow_Scalar of 0.88 and a Power_Scalar of 1.05. So I think that gave me artificially better gas mileage, and just a hint more power. I have edited these values to 1.00 and 1.00 (sounds like a good guess for default values, doesn't it?!). This gives me a fuel flow of 13gph during climb, and as soon as I got to 3500ft, a fuel flow of my normal 6gph and a range of 650nm. Those are numbers I can live with. Now back to our regularly scheduled program.]

My next destination is Agra, India, to see the Taj Mahal. It's just over 600 miles, and there are no jobs going there from here. About the best FSE can do is send me 150 miles mostly north, which doesn't really help, but at least it pays the gas bill. So, I'm off with 3 Corporate Charters headed for Moenjodaro (still in Pakistan). There's heavy fog this morning, so it's a good thing I'm flying IFR for now. I just hope things improve as I near Agra.

Fuel may be an issue. With my 3 passengers, I can only load 45 gallons. A quick check doesn't show any fuel available at my two intermediate stops. But with my now realistic fuel usage, 45 gallons won't be enough to get through today's flight (705nm). Thank goodness for the Internet (and FSE) -- a quick search finds an airstrip at Nagaur, India, about halfway along my route to Agra. All is saved!

End: OPMJ, 1012; $6814.69 and 31gal

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A quick inquiry at the cargo desk finds 219kg of canned goods heading roughly my way, so I'm off to Mad Juma (love that name!). Still a bit foggy, so I'm still IFR. I really like knowing that ATC will guide me in, but what's with the frequent course changes? Turn to 90; turn to 60; turn to 90; turn to 65 -- all within 10 minutes. Can they not identify me on their radar screen, and need me to waggle around to figure out which plane I am? There doesn't seem to be much traffic in the area, so I'm not dodging other planes (as far as I know).

End: OP0D, 1201; $7531.69 and 19gal

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Luckily, I packed a sandwich. If I'm not in the middle of nowhere, I'm nearby! Mad Juma is a single dirt strip (and not maintained very well), situated on a vast plain of dirt with some scrub vegetation off to the northeast. There aren't many FSE jobs from here, and none going anywhere near when I'm headed. So, I'm off to enjoy my own company. I'll be making my planned stop for fuel along the way...

On the plus side, the weather has cleared up nicely, so I'm VFR (hopefully for the rest of the day).

End: VI1T, 1402; $7431.49 and 30gal

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I love it when a plan comes together. I'm in Naguar, in northern India. Fuel isn't cheap, but at least they have some! So, I've fueled up for my flight to see the Taj Mahal (which I hope exists in FSX!), and then a landing at the nearby Agra airbase.

Still no FSE jobs going my way, so I'll just enjoy the Taj by myself. And I do enjoy it -- it's rendered quite nicely.
The Taj Mahal
End: VIAG, 1733; $7431.49 and 13gal

Total Distance Flown:  15,103 nautical miles

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