Sunday, August 25, 2013

#52 Uluru

Start:  YPPH, 0641; $2923.01 and 45gal

It's a great way to start the day, depositing another $10,000 in the bank! And looking at the sky, this does look to be a great day.

This morning, I have 3 EA passengers, going easterly to Leonora. That works for me, because it's almost directly in line with my next destination, Uluru in the Northern Territory. It's a long way from anywhere, but I can't be flying across Australia and not see this natural wonder.

Just to be a little different, this leg will be IFR via low-altitude airways. But first, a little cruising for a few photos of Perth.
Downtown Perth

East of Perth does NOT look like Mars!

And then, suddenly, it does!
End: YLEO, 1204; $5001.62 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Nobody here in Leonora wants to join me on my trek to Ayers Rock, so I'm going to take my gas money and go the next 557 miles alone! After some wonderful photos, I'll then land at nearby Ayers Rock airport. I'll be VFR this time, because I want to fly straight there, and then circle a bit before heading to the airport.

Aaarrgh! It's just after 5:00pm, and I've got 130 miles to go (about an hour and a half), but the sun's going down! By the time I get to the Rock, it will be dark. So, I guess my photos shoot will have to wait until tomorrow....

But suddenly, there it is! I'll still take a few photos in the daylight tomorrow, but here's what it looks like just after sunset.
Uluru (Ayers Rock)
End: YAYE, 1841; $5001.62 and 10gal

Total Distance Flown:  22,170 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $110,000

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