Friday, August 30, 2013

#54 Canberra

Start:  YMMB, 0728; $4148.89 and 40gal

Another short day. Try though I might, I couldn't find a way to get from Melbourne to Canberra (directly, with FSE jobs). So, I'm off to West Sale on my own. I feel just fine about that, because I put another $10,000 in the bank this morning!

End: YWSL, 0843; $4148.89 and 31gal

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I've now got a 192kg load of newspaper and mail to take to Canberra. Which is why I came to West Sale in the first place!

I'm stopping in Canberra not only to take in the history and sights, but because there's a ZCR Aviation FBO here. I'll check in with Zane, and tank up with good, clean ZCR fuel!

A little hazy over Canberra, and a lot of low-level turbulence. But overall a good day for flying, a some nice shots. I did not know that they had a Lake Geneva-style plume fountain in the river!
Canberra landmarks
Thar she blows!

End: YSCB, 1114; $5073.18 and 14gal

Total Distance Flown:  23,639 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $120,000

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