Saturday, October 12, 2013

North to Alaska, part II

Start: UHPP, 0626; $5617.49 and 54gal

Well, I'm in a bit of a pickle. What looked like an excellent route on the map turns out to be devilishly difficult. Airports are few and far between, and FSE jobs invariably go the wrong way. The only way I've found to get where I need to go is to head northeast to Sokol outside of Magadan, and then back to my northwesterly direction for a 799 mile flight to the remote Ugolny in Anadyr. Assuming I manage to squeeze 800 miles out of the GlobeTrotter, I can then make a more manageable hop across the Bering Strait to Nome, Alaska the next day!

So, at this very early hour (the sun just came up about 30 minutes ago), I'm off, empty to stretch my wings as far as they'll go! I must be doing something right, because once I climb to cruising altitude, I find a nice 20kt tailwind. Hope it sticks around.

This leg is a pretty good preview for my tour of Alaska -- there is some impressive and beautiful mountainous scenery in southeastern Russia. And this is default FSX (aided by FS Global 2010 mesh)!
Glad I climbed as high as I did!
End: UHMM, 1115; $5637.36 and 54gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I'm all gassed up (both the plane and myself [the sandwich from the airport vending machine was pretty questionable, but beggars can't be choosers!]) and ready to go on my longest flight yet. To Ugolny it's 800 miles. If the winds continue to cooperate, I'll be tired but fine. If they don't, I may have trouble on my hands! But I've got no time to waste -- up, up and away!

My luck is holding. I'm cruising at 6500ft, and 80kt IAS, and I've got a 17kt tailwind. So, my fuel calculator says my current range is 891nm. Since I only have to go 778nm, I'm feeling good!

End: UHMA, 1950; $5637.36 and 9 gallons

Total Distance Flown:  38,535 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $170,000

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