Tuesday, October 8, 2013

#71 Mt. Fuji, #72 Tokyo, #73 Chiba

Start: RJNA, 0844; $2733.20 and 19gal

A glorious sightseeing day today. As I head east, I'll fly past Mt. Fuji and then overfly downtown Tokyo before heading past the city of Chiba on my way to Narita airport. Joining me on this trip are 2 JAL Narita passengers; I hope they enjoy it as much as I will.

It's also my first flight with my new GPS system, and things are smoother than ever!
Central Japan wilderness
Mount Fuji (with my newly installed FS Global mesh)
On to Tokyo, Chiba and Narita airport! The skies are getting awfully dark, but I'm hoping it'll be clear enough for good photos at a lower altitude.
City as far as the eye can see
Have the Japanese bought the Eiffel Tower?
End: RJAA, 1052; $4195.28 and 5gal

Total Distance Flown:  35,798 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $170,000

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