Thursday, July 11, 2013

#10 Helsinki; #11 St. Petersburg

I want to go to St. Petersburg. But not Florida -- Russia! If nothing else, I want to see the Hermitage.

But, FSE is not making it easy. After making a few hops into Finland, I've found several airports with jobs going to St. Petersburg. But all of them are too big for my little GlobeTrotter. I've looked around for a different route. I finally started at St. Petersburg and looked backwards for jobs going TO there. They're all coming from airports to the west. So, in the end, I'll get as close as I can and make the final hop all on my own.

Start: ESSB, 0611; $6596.20 and 54gal

My money bag is less full because I deposited $10,000 to make the border crossing a little easier! I guess I'm just doing too well finding FSE jobs! But that extra hopping around is half the fun!

It's an early start this morning as I leave Stockholm with 2 CAVA Midsommar passengers headed for Tallinn, Estonia. To be honest, I hadn't planned on visiting Estonia, but it's in the general direction I'm heading, and it's one more flag I'll be able to put on the plane!

Dense fog and heavy cloud cover -- good thing I'm IFR today! Then, just as I cross into Estonia, the fog lifts, the clouds disperse, and it's a glorious day.

End: EETN, 0845; $8259.40 and 37gal

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I'm now off to Helsinki #1 with 3 CAVA Midsommar passengers (there are a lot of those in this part of the world!). The fog is back, so I'm still IFR. Hope I get better weather in Helsinki, as I want some good photos on my little hop from Malmi to Vantaa. Right now, it's like taking pictures of a polar bear in a snowstorm!

Plus, I think the controllers are messing with me again. Turn to 350. Two minutes later, turn to 315. One minute later, turn to 345. Sheesh! Maybe I don't get Swedish humor.

Miraculously, 20 miles from Helsinki the skies cleared and the fog lifted. I had been considering putting on my super hero hat and controlling the weather myself, but now I don't have to! I must have hit one of those really good weather update windows.

End: EFHF, 0941; $10176.40 and 32gal

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From Helsinki (Malmi) I'm going 5 whole miles to Helsinki (Vantaa). Seems rather pointless, you may say? But, it allows me to cruise over Helsinki and take photos, and there's a job from Vantaa going 100 miles closer to St. Petersburg. That's as close as I can get with FSE jobs, and then I'll just fly myself from there.

Why are there 2 passengers willing to pay to fly 5 miles? I don't know. I don't ask, I just fly! I wish I'd had more time to learn about Helsinki. Between finding jobs and filing flight plans, I just didn't. So, I'll stay low and slow, and just see what I can see! But the city is surprisingly low-lying; very few tall buildings to catch my eye from the air. I found two sports stadiums right next to each other, and several churches. And a series of large apartment buildings, very close to the docks. But I couldn't recognize a true "downtown". So, at least in FSX, Helsinki is stinky!
Helsinki -- uninspiring in FSX
After the most bizarre IFR approach I've ever experienced (ATC took me 15 miles the wrong way before giving me vectors that made any sense), I landed (again!) at Helsinki. Fuel is pretty affordable here, so I'll fill up (as much as I can with 3 passengers).

End: EFHK, 1033; $10347.17 and 45gal

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One last job today -- 3 CAVA Midsommar passengers heading east. No fuss, no muss, just a 100 mile hop and then I'm on my own. And although I sometimes complain that I can't find FSE jobs going my way, I must be doing something right -- I had to deposit another $10,000 to the bank! I had hoped that this trip would pay for itself. But it appears that I could make a (virtual) living doing this!

End: EFLP, 1154; $2639.47 and 36gal

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I've unloaded my passengers, and have decided that although I'm getting hungry, I'm going to press on to St. Petersburg. That way I can relax, explore and enjoy myself all afternoon and evening. The weather has improved considerably, so I'm going to fly VFR and do a quick tour before I land. But you can bet I'll be asking for permission to cross into Russian airspace!

WOW -- now THIS is a city! The detail is impressive, the size is awesome, and the Russian landmarks are identifiable. I suppose it's not quite like really being there, but it's one of the best so far on this tour (the Grand Prize belongs to London).
Winter Palace (the Hermitage museum)
Downtown St. Petersburg, Russia
End: ULLI, 1321; $2639.47 and 28gal

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