Monday, July 8, 2013

You Can't Get There From Here

Just a traveling day today; no particular sights to see (other than the rugged Scottish countryside, and a lot of water!).

Start: EGPN, 0747; $7729.38 and 30gal

My hastily improvised plan, which had me backtracking a bit, was to go up north in the UK, and then across the North Sea to Scandinavia. But I'm finding it quite difficult to find FSE jobs which will fulfill this plan. I guess not too many Cessna Skyhawks cross the North Sea! After 30 minutes or so, I finally found a job headed to Norway. But I'll have to go another 275 miles north to get it! So, I'm off to Aberdeen empty, and then I'll head up to Scatsta and Unst before finally turning east and leaving the UK for Sorstokken, Norway.

End: EGPD, 0832; $7629.21 and 54gal

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I'm reluctantly picking up 1 Bagpiper. Something tells me it's going to be a long 200 miles! Plus, the clouds are rolling in and the wind is picking up....

But I couldn't have been more wrong. Well, the wind and cloud thing was right (in fact it started raining about 15 miles from Scatsta), but my passenger was a thoroughly charming man, with wonderful stories about the places he's been as he travels around Scotland with his bagpipe (safely stowed in his baggage!).

End: EGPM, 1041; $8456.31 and 39gal

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I've got two passengers for the short hop to Unst (a good, monosyllabic British name!). With the weather getting slightly worse, I don't think I'll be much of a conversationalist this time -- too busy flying the bloody aeroplane!

End: EGPW, 1110; $9135.81 and 36gal

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Switching 2 passengers for 2 other passengers!

Although I'm sorry to be leaving the UK, I'm exciting to really begin my world tour! Don't really know what to expect -- I'm heading to Norway, and after I land I'll do some research and figure out what sights to see. For now, I'll just hope for smooth sailing across the notoriously nasty North Sea.

Turns out I got my wish. My passengers (a nice, vacationing young couple) read their books for the entire flight. The weather cleared up nicely, and I had a smooth flight the whole way. Now it's time to do some planning, and eat some gravlaks!

End: ENSO, 1326; $10182.01 and 22gal

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