Saturday, July 27, 2013

#36 Salzburg #37 Vienna #38 Budapest

Start: EDDM, 0746; $1312.33 and 45gal

Well, yesterday was really lousy, but I did get to end by putting another v$10,000 in the bank!

Today doesn't seem to be starting out much better. I'm at Munich International Aiport, but the only jobs small enough for my Cessna go in the completely wrong direction. But, I did find a job only 14 miles away going exactly where I want to go. So, I'll hop over to Landshut.

End: EDML, 0800; $1312.33 and 43gal

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After that quick little jaunt, I'm here to pick up 2 Private Shuttle passengers who are going to Salzburg, Austria. Since I'm going to Salzburg, too, this works out just great!

The curse is lifted -- Salzburg is quite nice. The city itself is largely generic, but there were a few custom buildings clustered together, the grouping of several churches and the castle were quite nice. But the scenery is the really winner. To my eye, this is better than the Swiss Alps.
Beautiful Austrian terrain

Beautiful Salzburg
End: LOWS, 0843; $1657.93 and 39gal

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My next desired destination is Budapest. This isn't a "detailed" city in FSX, but I want to go there anyway! And if I can manage to swing by Vienna on the way, so much the better.

FSE to the rescue! I found a job going to Linz, which then has three jobs going to Vienna, which then has 3 jobs going to Budapest. So, call this "the day of short hops"! This first one should definitely be a low-stress flight; my job is a Priority envelope, sitting on the seat next to me!

End: LOWL, 0937; $1767.73 and 34gal

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I've loaded my 3 Amadeus Air passengers, and I'm heading to Vienna. Austria continues to impress me, so we'll see what this leg holds in store, and what a default version of Vienna looks like. I'm really looking forward to appreciating the culture and history of this well-known city.

But, as is so often the case, the first structure I identify is the football stadium! With its folded roof and elongated light towers, it looks rather insectoid.

The rest of the city, though, looks very good. Surprisingly modern, but I guess that because it's not "high detail". But it still has an interesting amount of detail. Several nice churches, and the occasional large government building and the enormous UN complex. Overall, nicer than expected (but surely not as nice as in real life).
Viennese churches

UN Complex -- looks like a big hotel!
End: LOWW, 1149; $4030.33 and 27gal

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FSE was kind enough to provide another 3 Amadeus Air passengers, going straight to Budapest. My wife and I have talked about visiting Budapest (Wikipedia says it's cited as one of Europe's most beautiful cities), but FSX is quicker and easier! However, it turns out that FSX Budapest is exactly what I was expecting -- a perfectly reasonable looking city, but completely bland and unidentifiable. Obviously, there's the Danube, dividing Buda from Pest. But the city itself looks very much like many of the other European cities I've seen. Ah well, they can't all be London and Paris, can they?

So, I guess the wife and I will have to go for real!
The Danube River, splitting Buda and Pest
End: LHBP, 1323; $6365.83 and 18gal

Total Distance Flown:  9,339 nautical miles

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