Monday, July 22, 2013

#22 Gibraltar

Start:  LPPT, 0652; $4706.28 and 45gal

I'm not quite sure if today's goal is Gibraltar the rock, or Gibraltar the airport. Let's just call it a two-fer.

I found 3 Military Charter passengers going to Rota navy base, which is 35 miles from Gibraltar, so that's our first stop. I'll fly this leg IFR, just to show the Navy boys that the Globetrotter is not a toy!

End: LERT, 0922; $5975.28 and 30gal

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The Navy guys were polite, but I think they looked down on my little Cessna and her leisurely climb rate. But after the smoothest landing I've ever had (it was landing number 501 for me), I think I saw a little respect! I'm now off for Gibraltar empty and VFR. I'll do a loop or two around "the Rock", and then land at the tricky Gibraltar airport.
A comparison of FSX with the real world -- not too bad, thanks to UTX mesh and GEX textures.

Gibraltar airstrip -- not too tricky in something as small as a Cessna Skyhawk.
End: LXGB, 1022; $5975.28 and 24gal

Total Distance Flown: 6,675 nautical miles (plus 6,333 miles to get to Europe, and 1,771 touring the UK)
Grand Total: 14,779 nautical miles so far!

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