Thursday, July 25, 2013

#27 Florence #28 Pisa #29 Milan #30 Monte Carlo

Start: LIRG, 0723; $2228.03 and 40gal

Should be a nice, scenic day today. I'm off to Parma with 2 WAC LIRG passengers. But, just because it's not too far out of the way, I'll fly over to Florence (my wife's favorite European city) and then Pisa and see if that tower is still leaning.

Sometimes it's good to have low expectations. Florence was much nicer in appearance than I expected. To me, it looked like a definitely Italian city, with notable Medieval touches. And the Leaning Tower of Pisa was right there were it was supposed to be, still leaning!
Florence (Basilica di Santa Maria del Fiore and Piazzia del Duomo)

Pisa's Leaning Tower
End: LIMP, 1011; $3573.53 and 23gal

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I'm now scheduled to take 2 Private passengers to Milan -- perhaps they'll be super-models?! Well, it turns out they were photographers. Just as well; those super-models are just too skinny for my taste. And, they didn't mind a slight detour to see some of the sights of Milan (including a nice train station, and odd-looking stadium [not shown -- go fly there yourself!]).
Milan (wish I knew what sights I'm seeing!)
End: LIMB, 1103; $3931.46 and 27gal

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Just a brief stop to get fuel from the wonderfully named "Outdonna Limb" FSO (I'm at LIMB, in Italy. Get it?), and then I'll continue my flight, bidding a fond arrivederci to Italy and heading back to France.

For my final leg today, I'm going to don my tuxedo and take one Kerry Air shuttle passenger and one Raving Lunatic (that's what FSE says!) to Nice/Cote d'Azur. Near that posh destination, I'll visit Monte Carlo from a safe distance of 1000 feet (up!). Turns out, the buildings are fine, but the ground textures seem sparse and "stretched" by the terrain.
Fabulous Monte Carlo (doesn't look so fabulous)
End: LFMN, 1301; $5529.86 and 14gal

Total Distance Flown: 8,412 nautical miles

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