Tuesday, October 15, 2013

#77 Yukon #78 Edmonton

Start: PAEI, 0646; $2591.44 and 20gal

Today is going to be a marathon. I've got a lot of ground to cover, and I've found a series of jobs that let me do just that. So, I'm heading off a little before sunrise, because I've got over 13 hours of flying ahead of me!

Things started out wonderfully -- I deposited another $10,000 at the airport's ATM. Then, after prepping the plane, I took off for my first destination -- no jobs heading my way from the air base, so I'm flying solo for this first hour.

End: TSG, 0813; $2479.19 and 40gal

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I'll be starting out with 3 Corporate Charter passengers, heading to Whitehorse International. I'm hoping for beautiful Yukon scenery on the way....

There is some nice scenery, but much of it was hidden underneath the fog! Bloody real-time weather!
Looks more like London, or San Francisco!
Luckily, it cleared up later
End: CYXY, 1132; $5030.65 and 25gal
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Whitehorse is rather white! It's a bit hard to tell if it's fog or snow -- it's 32F outside, and it looks pretty wintery. And CYXY is one of those "funny" airports in FSX. It's up on an elevated plateau (boy, that would be expensive to build!), and there's some sort of fence at the end of 13R that really sneaks up on you!
Goofy Whitehorse International (CYXY)
I now have 2 Government Charter passengers going to Watson Lake. That sounds nice!
And it is nice!
End: CYQH, 1431; $6313.11 and 27gal

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Well, this day is a long one, but it's going quite well. I've had great weather, smooth flights, and a good group of (paying!) passengers. So, I'll press on, this time taking 2 ERA passengers to Fort Ware in British Columbia.
The wrinkled, rolling hills of western Canada
End: CAJ9, 1634; $7895.43 and 30gal

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That was a pretty small airfield -- a bit harder to spot from the air than I expected. I think those 2 passengers will be discussing the landing on their way to their final destination -- it was a bit quicker and steeper than I prefer. But, any landing you can walk away from...!

I'll now be taking 3 (different) ERA passengers to Prince George. Since that's a larger airport, I'll just put the past behind me and fly the plane!

End: CYXS, 1924; $9982.43 and 40gal

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It was a dark and stormy night... Oops, not a good way to start a PIREP!

The sun has set, and I've got some rugged terrain to cross. So, it's IFR for me on this last leg. It's a good thing it's my last leg, because I'm beat. This has been a very long day, with a number of landings, and I'm ready to eat supper and hit the hay. So, I'm loading my 3 Edmonton passengers, trying to act chipper and alert, and I'm off! Photos will have to wait until tomorrow; it sure gets dark around here once the sun goes down!

End: CYEG, 0010; $12552.83 and 13gal

Total Distance Flown:  40,852 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $170,000

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