Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Heading to Hong Kong, part V

Start:  AYTB, 0842; $3727.78 and 50gal

$10K to bank
There's not a single FSE job between the bearings of 176 and 345. Which way do I want to go? 275, more or less! So, after making another v$10,000 deposit, I'm feeling justified in taking off all by myself!

End: WABP, 1134; $3727.78 and 30gal

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Enough of this solo business! I've now got 3 Timika Charter passengers, heading to Biak. It'll be a bit of a roller coaster, because I've got to climb to over 12000ft to clear this big pile of dirt between these two particular points on the globe.

End: WABB, 1414; $5793.68 and 40gal

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I've exchanged my 3 passengers for 3 others. This time I've got 3 Corporate Charters going to Sorong, Indonesia.

More islands, more mountains. I've really enjoyed this adventure, but for some reason, this long trek to get to Hong Kong, with no outstanding sights to see is beginning to wear me out (then again, it may be something I ate!). But it won't be too much longer, and then as I head north up the eastern coast of Asia, I'll have LOTS of sights (Japan is chock full of them!).

As I got to talking to my passengers, I discovered that they were returning from a long business trip, and were in the mood for some hijinks. So, I executed what I must admit was a masterful side-slip during my final approach!

End: WA0A, 1631; $8779.88 and 17gal

Total Distance Flown:  30,631 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $140,000

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