Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Heading to Hong Kong, part III

Start:  AGGH, 0711; $5667.45 and 14gal

Today will be a day of island hopping (makes me wish I was flying my Beaver!). I've managed to find a series of small jobs each heading a little farther west, taking me through the Solomon Islands and eventually making my way to Papua New Guinea (well, one of its islands!).

First leg: 2 Private Shuttle passengers going to Seghe. I'm a little light on fuel, but I think I'm fine for 140 miles, and it's a lot cheaper at my destination.

End: AGGS, 0836; $6442.13 and 40gal

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Brake to a halt, unload my passengers, a quick stop at the fuel pump, and I pick up my next load -- 128kg of fuel cans and 112kg of Priority Mail. I'm off to the next island! With this much weight, she handles a bit sluggishly, but I expect a smooth and uneventful flight. Of course, there are some very large, very dark clouds off to the south....

End: AGGO, 1014; $7980.18 and 22gal

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More cargo hauling, this time 305kg of Food, Supplies and Mail. Pushing my payload pretty hard! In fact, as I begin loading, I find that I'll be over my max. weight. So, I've got to siphon off a bit until I'm down to 18 gallons! It's only 95 miles, so I'll be fine.

End: WAI, 1124; $9552.68 and 25gal

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Another cargo run, taking 110kg of canned goods to the alluringly named Open Bay.

End: OBY, 1347; $10206.68 and 9gal

Total Distance Flown:  29,126 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $130,000

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