Monday, July 29, 2013

#40 Istanbul

Start: LGIR, 0709; $2,849.24 and 45gal

Even on an island in the Aegean Sea, you can always find an ATM nowadays. Good thing, because I  needed to put another v$10,000 in the bank. And for those of you detail-oriented folks, you may notice that I got a second set of national flag decals. I got tired of Colleen's side of the plane looking so blank, so I put on a second set!

I'll start off today hauling a load of the ever-popular canned goods to Kos.
Greek islands -- just look at that water!
End: LGKO, 0856; $3616.94 and 34gal

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Sometimes it's just a little too easy. I land at Ippokratis (Kos), and there's the perfect job waiting for me -- 2 Ave del Parasio passengers going direct to Istanbul. Piece of cake!

Except for the turbulence. I'm glad I unloaded the cans at my last stop, because otherwise I'd have been beaned in the head! Wow, they've got some strong wind gusts today in Turkey. Coming over the mountains, I got bounced around pretty good.

But it turns out that it was well worth it. Istanbul is done very well in FSX. After touring around Europe these past few weeks, Istanbul looks decidely different. The churchs look more like mosques, and the dense buildings are somehow often different from the common rectangles and polygons I've been seeing.


End: LTBA, 1230; $5212.72 and 40gal

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I wasn't quite sure where to go from Istanbul. I want to head to the Middle East, and then on to Egypt. But I'm uncomfortable leaving my plane (and my self!) overnight in some of the more "unsettled" parts of this region. But then I found a job going to Cypress, and that seems like a really good idea. It also turned out to be a good flight, as there is some beautiful, rugged terrain as you fly across Turkey. But holy cow, I had to climb to 9,500 ft -- it's like being back in the Alps!

Well, this is going to be interesting -- my destination airport (LCEN) doesn't exist in FSX (FSE uses the FS2004 database, so there are infrequent conflicts like this)! I've got the GPS zoomed in, so I can see where I marked this spot in on my flight plan. And I've got Plan-G (which shows two runways for Ercan) running on another computer, so I can get lined up (more or less) with the non-existent runway! Luckily, the ground is flat and empty in FSX, so I land and FSE is happy.

End: LCEN, 1813; $7804.72 and 11gal

Total Distance Flown:  11,178 nautical miles

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