Thursday, September 5, 2013

#57 Auckland #58 Wellington

Start:  NZKT, 2156; $7651.63 and 45gal

I'm pretty excited about today's destinations. I've always had a fascination for New Zealand, and I'm finally going to see it (if only through the virtual eyes of FSX). Unfortunately, it's raining in Kaitaia this morning, so it's not ideal sightseeing conditions.

I'll start off this morning with 3 Kaitaia Service Center passengers, going straight to Auckland.

Soon after take-off, the rain stops, the skies clear and all is well. New Zealand is so beautiful, it looks great even with FSX default scenery! Since I normally fly for ZCR Aviation (based in Queensland, Australia), perhaps it's time to invest on OrbX Australia....

Nobody ever says no to an aerial tour! I've asked my passengers, and they'd love to get a quick overview of Auckland. So, I cancel my IFR plan, and zip around on my own for a while, before getting back to a normal altitude and course, heading for Auckland International airport.
Identifiable Auckland
End: NZAA, 0900; $9743.23 and 32gal

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Seems a bit odd to me, but there's not a single FSE job going from Auckland to Wellington. Fine, I'll make an intermediate stop then. I've got 3 Air New Zealand passengers (does that make me Air New Zealand?!) going to Rotorua. It's on the way, so I'm fine with that.
Cities, wide open spaces, lakes, mountains; New Zealand's got it all!
End: NZRO, 1023; $11663.07 and 40gal

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I'm back on track now. I've got 1 Air New Zealand passenger and 1 Corporate VIP, both headed (like me) to Wellington. I'll be heading straight south, about as far as you can go and still be on the North Island.
Gorgeous terraced setting of Wellington
End: NZWN, 1304; $13638.57 and 22gal

Total Distance Flown:  26,247 nautical miles
Total v$ Deposited: $120,000

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